Chapter 40: Glad You Came

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I woke up to what felt like fingers brushing through my hair. I shrugged it off though because I figured it was just me imagining it. Due to me falling asleep wishing that Carter was here. But I was wrong. I turned to where I was now laying on my back instead of my side. I opened my eyes for a second and froze. There, propped up on his side, just staring down at me was Carter.
"Hi" I smiled up at him. He smiled back as he layed next to me before speaking. "Hey there beautiful" I giggled, wrapping an arm around him as I layed my head on his chest. He soon wrapped his arms around me. One thing I wondered about, was how is he even here right now? I mean, I'm not complaining at all. I just thought he had something come up with his cousin that he had to help out with. I lifted my head to look at him. His eyes were closed, which made me think that maybe he had fallen asleep. I just stared at him admiring how cute he looked. Just then, I noticed he started to open his eyes. I blushed a bit when he caught me staring. He chuckled. "Watching me sleep are ya?" He said looking back at me. "No..." I said. Moving my head back to where it was resting on his chest. I heard him snicker. "Sure you weren't" he joked. I just giggled, not saying anything else. But then I remembered something. "Carter?" I asked. "What's up babe?" I always smile at that. "Don't take this the wrong way, but what are you doing here? I thought you had something to do with your cousin" I said to him, hoping he doesn't get mad for me asking. But I know he won't. He laughed as I felt him kiss the top of my head. "I thought so too, but he cancelled on me right after I dropped you off. So I decided on coming to see you again" he spoke. I smiled "Well I'm glad you came" I said as I turned over and leaned up to give him a kiss. He kissed back and then pulled away. "Me too babe" He said looking at me. I smiled, following with a yawn. Carter chuckled "You should get some sleep" he said. "Can you stay?" I asked him looking up. He nodded "Of course. I'll be here when you wake up" he kissed my forehead and smiled. I snuggled up to him and just like that, I was out.

I'm just really glad that he had came by again. And that he's staying over.

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