Chapter 27: What Even Happened?

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I walked down the street, and over a couple blocks. I just kept walking until it seemed like I was going in circles. Eventually, I stopped when I was a few houses down from mine. I walked back and headed towards that way. I got to the front of our yard and went straight to the back. I smiled when I reached our backyard. I haven't been back here in years. The old swing set my dad put up when I was a kid, still stood in the same place as I remembered it to be. The little old sandbox I used to play in, was still there. I walked over to the swings and sat down. This was everything to me growing up. I would always swing as high as I could, and then jump off, landing on my feet. I giggled at that memory. I kicked my feet back and forth multiple times and before I knew it, I was swinging. I can't believe I've forgotten about this. I used to have so much fun. Just swinging, smiling, and sometimes I would even sing a little. Of course, that was then. I'm way too shy to even do anything like that now. But anyway, after awhile I started getting tired and wanted to just go lay down. So I put my feet down, stopping myself and hopped off. I made my way around the backyard, and to the front door. I opened it and cautiously walked in. Unaware of what would be going on. But just my luck, nothing stopped. Seriously, what the hell? I walked over and finally spoke up. "Is everything okay?" They both stopped and looked at me. "Yes, sweetie. Your father and I are just having a little disagreement. That's all" My mom said. I sighed, knowing that wasn't the truth. "You do know I'm not 5 anymore right?" "Of course we do" "Then why are you acting like I am? Please just tell me the truth. Why are you both fighting? Don't lie. Please" I practically begged for them to just be honest and tell me the truth. "Sweetie.." My dad paused. "We just don't want you to be in the middle of this. But just know that we love you very much and will continue to do so no matter what" "Your dad's right hunny" my mom said. I gave them both confused looks as to what they mean. My dad looked down at his watch, and shook his head. "I got to get to work before I'm late. I'll see you later. I love you" My dad said before walking out and taking off. I looked at my mom, and she half smiled. "I'm sorry sweetie. I have a meeting but I'll be back in a few hours. If you get hungry, there are pancakes in the fridge for you. You just have to heat them up" she said kissing my cheek. "Okay Mom. Thank you" I smiled. She did the same and then left. I just wondered what happened that made them have such a huge argument. I don't understand.

What even happened?

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