Chapter 8: Who's This?

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I was currently just in bed leaning against the headboard, with my mind all over the place. I would think about this and that and just random things. I decided to ease my thoughts by listening to music. That usually helps me out at times like this. Just as I grabbed my phone, I noticed I got a new message. I looked at the number funny because I didn't recognize it. I finally just clicked on the message to see who it was.

Unknown: Hey beautiful.
What are you doing today?

Me: Um. Who's this, and how'd you get my number?

I responded back. Waiting patiently for a reply from this unknown person. Five seconds later, I got one.

Unknown: It's Carter. And you gave it to me. Remember?

Oh right, now I remember..

Me: Oh.. Hey, sorry I forgot

I mentally slapped my forehead. How could I have forgotten. I honestly was hoping he'd text me, but I didn't think he'd actually do it. I smiled when I got another message from him a minute later.

Carter: It's fine, don't even worry about it. But um. I was gonna ask if you'd like to hang out?

I was shocked as I read that. Not only that, but my stomach started getting these butterflies in it.

Me: Haha ok. And yea, I'd like to.

I replied quickly.

Carter: Alright then. See you in a few :)

Me: Okay :)

And with that, I got up and quickly changed into something other than what I was currently wearing. Which were my PJ's.

Well, this is gonna be fun.

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