Chapter 7: Alone

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At this point, I didn't even realize how far I had walked. I was too caught up in my thoughts to even notice. I turned around and walked back the other way. Trying to go back the direction I came from. About ten minutes, I was only a block away from my house. I decided that I was done with walking and started running, more like jogging until I reached the front door. I sat on the step for a few seconds to catch my breath before getting back up and opening the door. When I got inside, I closed the door carefully and walked up the stairs, and into my room. Not even making any sorts of contact with anyone. I just wanted to be alone. So after I got up to my room, I shut the door locking it knowing that nobody ever knocks and I really didn't want anyone barging in. I like my privacy and space. I just liked being alone.

But don't we all?

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