Chapter 35: Going Out

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The next day, my parents had left for work so I was basically home alone. It didn't bother me though because I liked my space. I turned on my music and started cleaning up my room. I folded my clothes. I made my bed. And then I cleaned out the closet. I finally finished about a half hour later and decided on taking a nap. I turned off the music and laid down. But just then, my phone went off. "Really..?" I grabbed it pressing answer without even looking at who it was. "Yeah?" I said in an annoyed/unamused tone. I heard a slight chuckle and I slapped my forehead. "Bad mood?" Carter asked chuckling. I giggled a little. "No, I'm just tired. But what's up?" "Ah, sorry babe. I just wanted to know if you'd like to go out tonight?" "Yeah, I'd love to. But when?" "I'll pick you up around 7:30 if that's okay" "Alright. Fine by me" "Okay good. See you then" " Okay- wait" "Yes?" "Anything specific I should wear?" "Uh. Nah, do dress warm through" "Okay then. Bye love you" "You too"

Beep... Huh. Wonder where he's taking me. I set my phone down and headed to find an outfit. "Dress warmly" I repeated what Carter had said. I grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a white a gray t-shirt, a black zip-up hoodie and the black vans I always wear. I looked at the time and it was only around 4:30 so I set the clothes up on the dresser for now. I had 3 hours left until Carter came to pick me up. I layed down for a bit and decided on reading a book to kill time.

With only half of the book read,
I heard the door open up downstairs. So I set my book on my bed, and went down to see who was home. "Hey Mom" I said. She turned around and smiled at me. "Oh, hi sweetie. How's your day?" "Uh. it's good I guess" I said. "You guess?" She laughed. "Yeah" I giggled. "Mom?" "Yeah Becs?" "Um. Carter called and asked me to go out with him tonight" I said awkwardly. "Really? What'd you say?" She said smiling at me. "I agreed. I asked what time and he said around 7:30. He wouldn't tell me where though" I said smiling at the thought of that. Still wondering where he planned on going. "Well, that's great hunny. Maybe it's a surprise and he wants it to be special? I'm just assuming because that's what your father did for me when I was your age" Mom said with a meaningful smile. "Aww, that's so sweet" I awed. "It was" I saw her look over at the clock above the stove. "Well it looks like you should start getting ready for your date" she said motioning towards the time. What the.. how is it 6:30, when I just saw it being almost 5? "Yeah your right, thanks Mom" I said running up the stairs. I reached my room and shut the door. I picked up my phone checking it. Noticing a couple messages from Carter.

Carter: hey babe, just letting you know that I'm looking forward to our date tonight. :* ;)

Carter: also, just reminding you again to dress in something warm. See you later tonight love :)

Me: I'm excited, I can't wait. And ok, already dressing now. :)

Carter: Me either. & Damn, wish I was there now

Me: boys smh.

Carter: lmao what?

Me: stop being so creepy

Carter: sorry, can't help it ;)

Me: omg. Anyway, just a reminder that when you come to pick me up, use the front door instead of my window.

Carter: Awe, but I like using the window :(

Me: lmao XD well now you have to use the front door XP

Carter: Lol okay fine babe. But don't get used to that. I do still plan on using the window. ;)

Me: Haha of course you do. Anyway, I'm getting ready so I'll see you tonight xo

I set my phone down and got dressed. It took me a few minutes to be ready because I kept checking to make sure I looked okay. But just as I started to put my shoes on, the doorbell rang. Is he early? I quickly put on my other shoe, grabbed my phone and I opened my door walking of out it. "Hey, Carter" I heard my Mom say. "Hey Ma'am. I'm here to pick up Becky" Carter said. Just then, I walked down the stairs slowly. Carter looked over and noticed me. He smiled. My Mom following along. "Hi," I said. "You look beautiful sweetie" my Mom smiled. "Thank you Mom" "Welcome" she said. "Ready?" Carter asked. I nodded. "Alright, bye Mom love you" "love you too sweetie, have a great time. And Carter, you take care of her" She said. Carter chuckled. "Yes, ma'am. I promise to watch after your daughter. I'll bring her back around 9" My Mom waved at us before shutting the door. We got over to Carter's car, and he opened the door. "Ladies first," he said smiling. I giggled getting in.

I was still curious where
we were going out at.

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