Chapter 22: Clueless

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After my bath, I put on some shorts and a T-shirt. Usually I'd put on PJ's. But since its the afternoon, I went with something else instead. I plopped down on my bed and grabbed my phone. Just as I did so, I heard a knock on my door.
"Yeah?" I yelled? "We need to talk" It was my Mom. I got up off my bed and went over to the door, and opened it. Then after, walked back over to my bed and sat down. My mom walked in after, but had her arms crossed, like she always does when she's mad.

oh great.

"Yes mom?" I replied. All she did was look at me and shake her head. "I thought we raised you right?' What is she talking about?
"what do you mean?" I asked very unsure. She sighed, walking over and sitting next to me. "Sneaking out. keeping secrets. Taking off with boys. And who knows what else" She said with a disappointed look. I shook my head at her. "No mom, I'm not like that. I promise you that's not me." I said. "How can  you be so sure? How do I know you're not just saying that?" "Because I'm not. Mom listen, I'm not sneaking out to go meet boys. I'm not keeping anything from you. And I am NOT doing anything I'm not supposed to. Please just believe me." I said practically begging her to believe what I said. Even though the sneaking out part was a lie. I just hope she doesn't know that. She just sighed. "What are you not telling me?"
Oh shit. "Huh?" I asked dumbfounded. She simply shook her head. "Becky, I know when you're not telling me something. So please, tell me" She said in a much calmer voice. Oh boy. There is something I'm not telling her. And it was that I'm still seeing Carter. When she told me not to. Sighing, I spoke up.
"There is someone I'm seeing. But before you get mad, just hear me out. This boy is honestly, the nicest person I've ever met. He is not like the other guys. He's different. He's funny. He's respectful. And I really like him." I explained going on and on. She just gave me an unexpressed look before speaking. "Is it that same boy from before, that I told you not to see?" she sounded a bit mad. "Yes mom. He is" I said. Watching her expression go from blank, to now angry. But why though? Suddenly, she got up quickly and crossed her arms. Yep, she's pissed. "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?" she yelled. "I DIDN'T LIE. I JUST LEFT OUT THAT ONE PART." I yelled back hella annoyed. She furrowed her eyebrows. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO SEE THAT COREY GUY OR WHATEVER HIS NAME IS" Angriness in her voice. I rolled my eyes at what she said. Really mom? You seriously can't get his name right? It's not that hard.
AND I LOVE HIM. HE MAKES ME HAPPY" I yelled. She went to speak but I spoke over her. "And I know you don't want that for me, but I love him and that's never gonna change" I said with my voice calming down more. I looked up at my mom but she just stood there looking the opposite direction. I sighed looking down. "If that's how you really feel" She said and walked away. I got up, slammed my door shut, locking it afterwards, then layed back down on my bed. "Ugh" I sighed in frustration. Why is my life like this? Why are my parents like this? My mom just yells at me most times. There are times when she's actually sweet and loving. And other times, she's well like this; rude and always angry at me for who knows what. As for my dad, well.. he's always at work all day, and then asleep all night. So I barely see him. He's not as mean, but he does ignore me most days when I do see him. When I'm around both my parents, they sometimes act as if I'm not there. like I'm just invincible. Every day, I just wonder what is it that I did? Why they treat me like that. All I am right now?

Clueless. -_-

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