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A/N time to clear up any confusion from last chapter!

Everything done has a purpose.
Izuku POV

"I am Deku but I can go by warrior princess or whatever you wish to call me, I care not. And this man, king of dragons is my fiancé you laugh about death until it comes knocking on your door... you think it all a game until every chess piece has been taken off the broad. You who live in arrogant bliss.
I do not simply want your respect but rather your peace. If someone so much as challenges the king of dragons you challenge me warrior and princess of Amazon Lily. Any challenge Offered I am more than willing to accept. I will not degrade myself by putting on a mask and attending balls such as these because while the wealthy and noble drink themselves dry people die of starvation. The poor build an empire the noble just dictate it. You who have never known the struggle of seeing your home burned to the ground have never stared down death in the eyes."

I can't believe I even said that how embarrassing.

I had been critiquing their political and ruling system.

It was a point to weaken their stance on even opposing the matter.

But maybe I made it worse.

It is true that the wealthy send the poor to fight their fights.

It's also true the nobility never have seen death.

How can they rule but never see the lives lost fighting for this kingdom?

It had sparked something in me to say those words.

Those dreadful words...

But I couldn't keep quiet.

My opinions on my own home had mixed in.

I just tried to say what I was supposed to...

Yet why are they looking at me like that?

Is that not the proper way to propose an alliance?

Where I come from mutual strength and the ability to talk Well is needed within a meeting.

I saw injustice and from my talks with Mina learned of the corrupt system.

I was too impatient, hasty even.

I was taught from a young age what was right and just and I had expressed it.

I related it back to the conquests and wars that continue to happen.

The crowd was silent.


"What was she rambling on about?"

"How strange."

"Hah! As if we care about the lives of lowly peasants."

"And that attire! Oh me oh my I'm so glad I came to this ball to see such an interesting show!"

"How kawaii~ she looks about as menacing as a wolf pup."


"Where ever did he find such a strange girl."

I was seething.

They were laughing at me.

I probably looked like a tomato.

Stranger to the Outsideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें