17: ....Thats where im headin to!!

Start from the beginning

It was their only hope.

Frank nodded and landed immediately onto the short grass and shifted into a black stallion before galloping throughout the forest at top speed. Percy held onto his mane and never looked back to the growing yells of the hunters and only wished for the city to be growing closer.

"What's the plan?" William asks over Percy's shoulder as Percy glances over as they ducked under arrows flying ahead

"Once we get to the city we will be safe...well safer than now. Just keep the shield up until then." He orders as William rolled his eyes arrogantly but obeyed.
Percy paid no attention and glances Infront of him just as they emerged into a lone road with a few houses on the side. However Frank had stopped in the middle of the road due to his flight or flee instincts and failed to see a van strolling down the road heading towards them but far in the distance, it was day but Percy only hoped the mist was generous enough to hide them well.

"Get off quickly!" Frank orders and Percy and William leap off and ran to the side of the road as Frank shifted to an eagle and flew to a nearby pole and perched ontop of it.
Momenta pass and the hunters seemed to be hiding within the bushes just ahead of them and were held back by the van passing by, Percy sped off down the road but glances back to discover William just blankly staring at the trees. Growling, Percy stomped back over and grabbed onto Williams wrists before tugging at it

"What are you waiting for!? We need to go. Quickly!" Percy yelled and the warrior nodded before running down the citys streets, swerving past busy oblivious people with upmost speed, William was lagging behind since he was unused to such humane environments but the yells of the hunters drove both forward as they suddenly decided to move on past the forest boarder

"GET BACK HERE PERSEUS'!!!!!!" Percy heard Artemis scream

"What the hell are wrong with these women!!' William yells as he ducked his head barely dodging an arrow, Percy manages a chuckle but didn't reply as he glances up noticing Frank in his eagle form flying above the two dodging arrows being shot at him before he swopped down into a dive and perched himself upon Percy's head as they ran into local ASDA store, raced down the cloths section and dove behind a large stock of fluffy coats.

Frank hopped down onto Percy's shoulder and glances to Percy

"What's the plan?" Frank asks as William nods.

'why am I always the one who think of plans!?' Percy thought to himself and rubbed his temples, at moments like this he really missed Annabeths knowing voice.
Percy shrugs.

"Well for starters we need to get the hunters away. Frank I suggest you watch from above, inform us if the hunters come near," Percy mutters and got an immediate nod from Frank as he took off and perched himself into a large sign and watches over the Iles of the store.
"And William, we'd better split up. Meet at the enterance in about 10 minute's. Cause alot of trouble."
William nods and ran off down the hall knocking over racks of clothing and throwing boots at any customer who came near him.
Percy laughs slightly but ran in the opposite direction towards the food Iles.

"Gotcha!" He heard a familiar voice yell and they takled Percy to the floor in a head lock. Percy squeaks in shock but quickly got a grip of the hand and flips them over his back cashing the hunter to flip over h and land on the floor Infront of him with a large "Crack"
Percy glances up only to be met with the sparking blue eyes of Thaila.
An angry-
NO furious Thaila.

"I-i-i am so sorry." Percy stuttered sitting up quickly only for Thaila to pounce at him and pin him down, customers observed in clear shock as some scurried off for security

"Don't make this any harder Percy," Thaila growled and pulled out some cuffs from behind her
"Your coming to the Gods whether you like it or not."

"That's exactly where I'm heading Thaila! Please! I only want to sort things out with everything." Percy muttered causing his cousin to pause and loosen her grip slightly, he eyes tear up slightly but she refused to shed any tears

"Fine- OW!!!" She began only for Frank to dive down and bite, nip and peak at her head, she yelps and swats at the eagle before she grabbed a large  can of spinach and threw it at him, the can hit its target and hit Frank directly in the chest causing him to squawk out loudly in pain and collide with a large shack of cereal boxes which all came tumbling down upon him and trapped him.

Thaila immediatly hand cuffed him and that's when Artemis finally made an enterance not long followed by her loyal huntresses, Phoebe avoided eye contact with Percy and went to the cereal box pile and hoisted Franks limp body from the ruins. Percy grumbles to himself his eyes scanning for escape route but winces as he leant on his bad wing

"Well Perseus, let's just see how the Gods endure your pathetic excuses now."

Boom! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry it took so long

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