life as a bucket

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" one Wonka bar please." A little girl said while holding her money in her hand .

 I smiled and gave her the candy bar

 " here you go little girl have a nice day enjoying your candy bar." 

The little girl smiled and said ." I will miss and I hope you have a good day too ."

  I smiled back and said." I will, thank you ."

She then left with a smile on her face. I started cleaning the countertop thinking of how much I love this job. Because I love candy thanks to me and my brother Charlie's favorite idol Mr. Wonka, the best candy maker in the whole world . I then stop from the bell on the door . I looked over to see my little brother charlie. I smiled.

 " hello Charlie what are you doing here? "  I asked the little eleven year old.

 " I've come to take you home. It's the end of your shif isn't it."my little brother said. Then looked at my boss Bill.

Bill looked at my brother. "She can go home Charlie." He said with a smile. I went to the back and grabbed my old worn out blue jacket. Charlie and I said goodnight to Bill when we left.

Once I opened the shop door a blast of cold wind surrounded the air with snow. But what do you expect from January weather.

I noticed Charlie shivering from the cold harsh winter wind so I gave him my jacket. He looked at me but I ignored it. As an older sister I always want to make sure that my baby brother is always safe.

When we headed forwards the house I opened the slanted door of our small house. Charlie and I greeted our mum and grandparents.

A few mins later our father came through the door.

"evening buckets. "He said

"evening." Our grandparents said.

"Hi dad. " Charlie and I said to him.

Dad went over to mum and kissed her. I heard them talking about cabbage soup.

"Charlie I think I have something that I think you'll like. " dad said as he went in his pocket and pulled out deformed toothpaste caps.

You see my father and I  are the only ones to have jobs to support our family. With our grandparents being to old to work and my mum stays to help them out. And we make sure that Charlie goes to school.

Charlie went through the deformed toothpaste caps and picked one up.

"It's exactly what I need. " my little brother said with a smile. Then hurried up to get his diorama of the chocolate factory entirely out to made a deformed toothpaste caps.

" what is it Charlie? " grandpa Joe asked him.

"A head for Willy Wonka, my creation is complete." He said with another smile.

"It's quite a likeness. " grandpa Joe said

" you seem so. "

"Seem so I know, I know Willy wonka I used to work with him. "

" tell him about the Indian Prince he like to hear about that, Sadie always liked it. "Grandma Josephine said.

" oh please do. " I said as I passed the  bowls of cabbage soup.

We've all started eating our cabbage water as grandpa joe started his story.

"You mean prince pondicherry, well prince Pondicherry asked Mr. Wonka to come all the way to India to build a colossal Palace entirely out of chocolate."

Grandpa Joe then explains about all the different chocolates used to build.

"Mr. Wonka told him to hurry up and eat it. But the stubborn prince said that he wasn't going to and decided to live in it, although one day in the boiling hot sun the palace melted." He told my brother then ate a bit of his cabbage water.

I took two small spoon fulls of mine then dumped the rest in Charlie's bowl.

"Here you go little bro I'm stuffed." I said. To be truthful I'm actually starving. But I always take care of my brother.

Charlie looked at me questionably but didn't say anything as grandpa continued his story.

"The prince as sent a urgent letter to Mr. Wonka but Mr. Wonka was having problems of his own. Enemies of him started sending in spies to steal the secret recipes. The thievery had gottin so bad that Mr. Wonka to go all to go home and said. That he was closing his chocolate factory forever. But one day  I seen smoke rising from the chimneys, the factory was back in business. "

"Did you get your job back? " Charlie asked him

I looked at my grandfather as his smile left his face.  "No, no one did. " he said with a frown.

Everyone ate and I grabbed the bowels to the sink.  I hugged and kissed my family goodnight as Charlie and and I went to our room. I made sure to snuggle with my brother to give him body heat from the winter.

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