Day One: Death Dude?

Start from the beginning

He didn't know what he could and couldn't say and he did not want to be the reason for any major secrets being leaked. The son of Hades had almost made it to his room when the Hispanic boy from the night before called out to him. Nico wanted to scream at how the fates wouldn't leave him alone, but that might have 'creeped them out' so he didn't.

"Hey uh... Ghost! Why don't you come to watch us spar?" The disguised boy froze, why were they being so weird? People usually kept their distance from him, why were they trying to get closer? There wasn't anything about his appearance that made him look particularly approachable, yet these people kept bothering him. Nico just wanted to be left alone, is that too much to ask for? He reluctantly turned to look at him to see if he was joking. The hero didn't seem to be kidding, and that really surprised him. Why would they want him infringing on their 'team bonding' or whatever it was called? Unless they just wanted to study him, which seems more likely.

"No, thank you," He said curtly, turning away when the boy called out to him again.

"Come on, Nightwing asked us to make sure you socialized and stuff." He said waving him over. So, Dick had set this up... typical. This wasn't their idea, but the team didn't really seem to be against it either. Nico guessed that was a good sign.

"Come on, Hermano. It's not like you have anything better to do." He pointed out. Nico was caught off guard by the use of the word hermano. Didn't that mean brother in Spanish? Was he calling him his brother or was he using it like bro? Either way, it was more friendly than the demigod was comfortable with. It took him a lot to warm up to people and it frustrated him when other people didn't show as much caution. 

First, it was Bruce when he took him in the day they had met without knowing a thing about him and now this boy was calling him bro after the first time they spoke. He couldn't imagine having the same kind of interaction with someone he had known for less than a day. Maybe he could have before he'd lost Bianca, but he'd learned to be wary of people since then, to watch his back and make sure that the people in his inner circle were beyond reproach.

Even though he didn't like it, he had to admit that they had a point. He really had nothing else to do as long as he was stuck here. He didn't feel like drawing and he had absolutely no motivation to do his homework either. Since sitting alone in his room for the rest of the day didn't sound appealing, he would occupy his time with the only other way he knew how-- with training. Team bonding it is then, yippee!

"Alright, fine. I'll go change and meet you in the training room." Ghost said, not thinking about how he shouldn't know what the base looks like.

"Do you know where it is?" He asked skeptically.

"Yeah, Nightwing gave me a map last night," he covered for himself. 

"Great! I'll see you in a few, "Jaime left, accepting his answer. 

Nico went to his borrowed room, grumbling under his breath the entire way. He changed at his own pace, hoping that they would start without him since he wanted to see how they fought before they saw him fight. Hopefully, they wouldn't end up seeing him fight.

Nico made his way to the training center and saw that the speedster and a boy in blue body armor were fighting. His guess was that that was the alien suit that liked logical thinking. He didn't see the Hispanic boy around, but no one was really missing from the group either. Ghost did a subtle soul search and found that the Hispanic boy was the one in the blue armor. That was very interesting. 

The son of Hades sat near the doors and watched the fight, unnoticed. Jaime was at odds with the armor, you could see that he was sometimes holding back. His opponent, the non-stop Impulse was living up to his name. He was taking needless risks and opening himself up for attacks. It was ok to do that here, against someone he knew and who was holding back. He'd be in trouble in a real, all-out, one-on-one fight.

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