Chapter 12

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        After my little crying fit , Mathew drove me back to his apartment. I didn't want to be alone back at my house, even worse I didn't want to be with my sister. Mathew walked in first holding my hand behind him. It had crossed my mind more than once that Conner could be home, and he could want seconds.

        "Hey Mat. Sup?" Conner said to Mathew as he opened the door. Mathew instinctively pulled me closer to him, gripping my hand tight, scared of losing me I hoped. "What are you doing with her?" Conner asked making a face. When Mathew didn't answer Conner smiled a little "Ah, I see you're cheating on Molly with her hotter younger sister. Nice my man, I'll keep your all's little relationship a secret." Conner then went back to playing his games. Mathew seemed to morph into someone I didn't know in the next few seconds. Those seconds felt like hours.

        "You scumbag! You don't talk about Felicia like that! She told me what you did. You are nothing. You are just a worthless bag of shit! Get the hell out of my house and don't ever let me see your face again or so help me God I will not hesitate to kill you." Conner's face turned red, other than that he didn't seem fazed though.

        "The little slut had it coming. Always walking around in those skimpy little outfits, begging to be touched by anyone." Mathew let go of me and went up to Conner

        "Don't you ever speak about her like that again. Grab your stuff and leave. Now." He then grabbed Conner by his collar and yanked him in his face. Conner's eyes shot open.

        "Yeah okay man I get it, I get it ". Mathew pushed Conner down and he hit the ground.

        As Conner scrambled about the apartment grabbing this and that, stuffing it all into a suitcase, Mathew and I sat in the kitchen. "What are you going to do now that you were fired?"  Mathew carefully asked me. I could tell he felt bad, after all it had been him who caused it. I couldn't bring myself to be mad at him though. I put my hand onto his, needing some comfort while Conner was still in the house "I'll be fine. Don't feel bad." He smiled a little, before it widened and he jumped up.

        "You could be my secretary! I know it's not ideal but my last one just quit. You would have a steady paycheck, full benefits, and we could work together." I stood up beside him and smiled a less fake smile then before.

        "That sounds great! Except I have no experience with any thing like this." Mathew laughed.

        "My last one didn't either." Then he picked me up and spun me around, my poodle skirt flowing around me. "So will you work with me?" He asked smiling brightly.

        "Yes," I told him smiling back. He put me back on the ground and hugged me. I never wanted him to let go. He made even this situation feel better. I knew in that moment that I loved him.

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