Chapter 10

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            Nightmares plagued my dreams. Visions of the man who stole what was more valuable than anything from me. It was like reliving the most awful thing that ever happened to me again and again. On top of that, other nightmares crept in to. Mathew was walking towards me, but then he turned and ran towards Molly. She was in a white dress and standing under an alter. He really was marrying her. My moms death in the back ground. I couldn't hold it back screams escaped my lips until my voice couldn't be heard.

            "Felicia," I woke up to Mathew nudging me from the side of my bed. I opened my eyes and could instantly feel the sweat trickling down my face. "You were screaming my name..." he told me not looking freaked out at all but concerned. I couldn't bring my self to form words, tears just streamed down my face. Mathew didn't think twice about grabbing me up in his arms. He held me like a parent held a child. It was very comforting just having him this close. "First thing in the morning I'm taking you to the police station. You need to report this." He told me.

        "I can't..." I told him careful not to raise my voice to much and wake Molly up.

        "At least tell me." He pleaded. I didn't answer just buried my head into his chest.

            The light from my windows woke me up the next morning. Mathew was gone and Molly was still asleep on my floor. Even in her sleep she looked perfect. Her hair lay flat and she was cradling herself in a ball her head resting on her hands. Rolling my eyes I got out of bed and began to go downstairs. Mrs. Robinson had every Saturday off so I was going to have to fin for myself. As I got closer to the kitchen I was surprised to smell bacon. As I finally arrived there I saw Mathew standing over the stove in a t-shirt and boxers. I could barely keep my eyes off him as I went to stand next to him.

            "Good morning." He said cheerfully looking down at me with a smile on his face.

        "You can cook?" I asked him pleasantly surprised by it.

        "Yep. I went to culinary school before my dad had me come be V.P." he told me.

        "Why did your dad do that?" I asked him trying to talk about anything but what happened last night. He frowned a little, "He's not doing so well. He was diagnosed with cancer a few years back and he doesn't have much longer to live. He wanted me to go ahead and learn the ropes and what not so when he passes I can inherit it." I instantly regretted asking.

        "Oh Mathew... That's got to be hard on you." He smiled a little"You're nothing like Molly. She doesn't ever let me talk about my dad." I shook my hear "That's awful. I don't understand her one bit." I gave Mathew a hug and he said "I think this is a start to a beautiful friendship." I laughed a very fake laugh and we both sat down to eat our hearts out in bacon.

            After breakfast I went upstairs and forced myself to  change into my poodle skirt for work. After everything that had happened the day before I didn't want to leave my bed better yet work but I needed the cash. I just kept reminding myself how amazing Europe was going to be. I put my hair up in a bun and grabbed my skates to put on when I got there. As I was leaving Mathew hollered to me, "What time do you get off?" I didn't question this at all just answered "7," then left.

            Work was abnormally quiet for a Saturday. Only a handful of people had come in that afternoon so most of my time was spent chatting with some of the bus boys. One of which I was really close to. His name was Lenny; the two of us went to high school together but never really got close until we both started working at the diner. "So Molly has got a fiancé? And to top it off you like him? Whoa that's defiantly some shocking news," he said as I filled him in on the last few days, leaving out last night.

"I never said I liked him. I said he was attractive." Lenny rolled his eyes "Yeah sure whatever you say. Hey looks like you have a customer." I turned around and to my surprise Mathew was sitting in a booth in my section.

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