《Chapter 1》

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Chapter 1

Hazel's POV

"Get up whore" I woke up to Kian pulling my hair and dragging me out of my bed.

When he left the room I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I finished my shower, brushed my dark brown hair and just put on some lip gloss on. Not much of a person to put on makeup. First I put on some underwear and a black bandeau then I changed into black high waisted jeans, a white semi sheer muscle tee with "stressed, depressed and well dressed" written on it. I grabbed a grey beanie and some wristbands to cover up my arms. I put on my glasses and my all black converse and headed downstairs.

Many people would think that it's so amazing to live in the o2l house with the guys but it's the exact opposite. For 4 years the o2l guys have been making my life a living hell. But I've gotten used to the beatings but sometimes the name calling gets to me. I mean it is true. Since it's summer now, the guys are gonna be here all day so I'm just going to get out as much as possible to avoid them. The only bad side to this is having to be around be people and go outside. I'm sorry but I'd rather be inside with food and wifi than being social but I penny board during the times the guys aren't beating me so going outside won't be so bad I guess.

When I arrive downstairs I see the guys having breakfast.

"Where the hell are you going bitch!" Ricky yells.

I just grab my grey and black penny board, my phone with my earbuds and head towards the door.

"None of your damn business" and with that I ran out the door, put my board on the ground, put my earbuds and sped off while listening to Sleeping with Sirens.

After riding for a while, I was feeling hungry. I'm not the biggest fan of coffee so I headed down to Taco Bell. Left my penny board by a booth and went in line to order a baja blast, don't wanna get fat do we now. I ordered and payed with the money I earned from the job I worked at during school so I could relax in the summer and not worry about the money.

I grabbed my drink, took out my phone and sat down in a booth. Suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder. When I turned around I saw the one and only Matthew Espinosa.

"Hey aren't you Kian Lawley's sister?" He curiously asked.

"The one and only. Aren't you Matthew Espinosa?"

"Yup. Why are you here alone?"

"Living the loner life I guess" I laugh softly.

"It seems like you need a friend. Wanna go on a walk or something?"

"Um yeah sure. I'd love to."

"Great let me just tell my friends and we'll go." He got up, lightly grabbed my wrist and led me to his table of friends.

When we got to the table, I saw the last people I wanted to see. How was I supposed to know the o2l guys would go to Taco Bell?

Once the guys saw me it got really tense and awkward. You could the tension with a knife in here. {A/N ;)}

"Hey guys. We're going to go on a walk so see you later." The guys just glared at me but Jc just looked at me with confused and hurt eyes. Huh?

Anyways I grabbed my penny board, put my phone in my back pocket and headed out the door with Matt. We ended up talking about the most random things on the walk home. I'm not gonna lie, I've never been this happy in a long time. From my parents death to my brother and his friends beating me.

We finally arrived to the o2l house. Hopefully the guys aren't home so I can sneak past them especially since I basically cussed at them and left the house without saying anything.

"Hey I was wondering if you'd like to hangout this Saturday?" He asked looking at his feet and playing with his fingers. Aww he was nervous but I don't know why I'm just a normal, ugly girl with scars and bruises. Trust me no one wants a girl like that in their life, trust me.

"Yeah I'd love that. Just text me what time." I say as we exchanged phones and put our phone numbers in.

"Alright see you Saturday Haze" he gave me a hug and left.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. Once I opened the door I really regretted it. To my fucking surprise the guys were there and they didn't look happy.

I put my penny board next to the front door walking to the kitchen hoping no one would notice I was there.

"Where the hell do you think your going bitch" Kian yelled. Well now I'm in deep shit. I felt my somebody pulling my hair back and I fell on the floor. "This will show you to not cuss at us again whore" Sam said.

They started kicking my sides and stomach. Calling me names like 'whore' and 'slut'. Jc and Connor started slapping me and punching me to the point I almost couldn't see. I was in so much pain when they were done. I clutched my stomach and limped up the stairs and into the bathroom.

I looked through the bathroom until I found a blade. I sat on the floor, took of my wristbands and just started slicing my wrist. 2 for not being perfect, 1 for having glasses, 3 for being so fat and ugly and 2 more for being me. I just sat their and cried and thought of why I'm still living. I'm so ugly, fat and nobody wants me. All I am to people is a mistake and a failure. I can't do anything right, I always end up ruining something. I don't even know why Matt even talked to me. All I am is a mistake.

I got up and cleaned up my wrist, bandaged it and put my bracelets back on. I unlocked the bathroom door and ran to my room. I grabbed some clothes and went to go shower. Once I finished I put on underwear and a bra and changed into a grey loose long sleeve shirt with some plaid pajama shorts. I cleaned my glasses and went to go sit on my bed. I took off my glasses and tried to fall asleep.

I was just falling asleep until I hear a knock at the door. I wrapped my arms around my feet and sat on the bed and told whoever was at the door to come in. Then soon a sad looking Jc came into my room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hazel I'm really sorry. Please forgive me" he said trying to get closer to me.

"Get the hell away from me." I growled.

"Hazel please I never meant anything I said or did to you please forgive me." Jc pleaded.

"How the hell do you expect me to forgive you? All you've done is hurt me in every single way and if you really cared you would've never let the guys hurt me."


I winced a little "Get the hell out my room and leave me alone" I said through my gritted teeth. He slowly got off the bed and left the room drooping his head. It was probably some prank the guys were trying to pull on me.

It had really been a long day so I rested my head on the pillow. As soon as my face hit that pillow, I was out like a light.


I hope you like guys liked the chapter

I think most of you heard, Connor left our2ndlife. After the video I literally ran to the bathroom and cried and cried. :/ Isn't life bad enough

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