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Authors note: I didn't really know what to do next, so I took my dog near the train tracks and as he ran I wrote the following, and editing it as I type. He eventually got tired and laid beside me as I wrote, so I devote this part to my black lab cross, Atticus Finch. :)

Enjoy while you can.


"I see your friend isn't here.

While we wait for him to arrive do you mind telling me about your past?

That depends, will the same promise

be kept if I answer everyone of your question?

"If you are referring to the promised I made at the Coffee shop, than yes.

Your answers will not be published in the newspaper."

Then begin my love.

"How long have you been talking in riddles for?Also can I put the age in the article if I decide and that is it? This will be the only exception."

I am alright with that exception.

But for your answer:

If you take the amount of wheels that could be found in  or on my car

and times it by 2, you'll find what you seek.

"So you have been talking for eight years?"

I shake my head, because you're incorrect.

There is one that you have missed but cannot see from the out side.

"Oh, the spare tire. That would mean you have been talking for 10 years. 

How old were when you were cursed?"

 A dozen roses, A dozen cars,

a dozen woes and a dozen foes. 

What do all four things have in common?

"A dozen meaning 12, am I correct?"

Indeed you are correct, but if I was 12

and it has been ten years how old am I?

"That would make you 22 and I a year younger."

"Why do you have that sly little grin on your face?"

How did you celebrate your 21st birthday?

"Well if you can stop looking that the painting, so I can see your eyes, I will tell you."

I sense a lie that is not coming from me,

but why does my eyes matter to you so much?

"I left out my condition for your first answer. If I tell you,

you have to tell me how you celebrated your 21st birthday.

Now, the reason why I like to look at your eyes when

I tell you the answers is because the rest of your body doesn't give

emotion away. Excepted when we were walking to your car,

you put yourself between the cars, and I suggesting you were protecting me."


"Already after having so soon met, you are protective, and at that point it wasn't even night."

I see your eyes, and you see mine.

Now tell me the answer to the question with 21 in it.

"Do you agree to my condition though?"


 "One more thing before I begin. You must stop avoiding my questions, 

and observation."

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