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your pov


Hajime let you stay a week, then soon enough, he coerced you to come home. You really only complied cause of your a job.

And mere days after his first proposal, Hajime convinced you to be engaged to him. Truth be told, you thought becoming his fiancé would distract you from Nagito. It worked! ...for a couple months. But honestly, after you and Hajime got married it was worse.

Nagito was never off your mind after that.

Nagi was supposed to be there for you, at your wedding. You promised yourself, after you met Hajime, that if you were to get married to anyone else you would at the very least invite him.

"(Y/N)." Hajime says, putting a hand on your shoulder.

You look at him.

"Lets go back home. Your mom needs to go home soon." He says, taking his hand off your shoulder.

You grab the hand that was once on his shoulder, and walk out of the hospital. Walk back to your regular life.

When you walk out, the sun blinds you. God, how long have you been in that room? With the curtains closed. That almost feels like a metaphor for yourself; closed out and so goddamn lonely.

Hajime drives, considering you don't trust yourself behind the wheel.

The ride is quiet, at first. Hajime breaks that deafening silence.

"You gotta stop worrying about him."

You look at him.

"I won't be anymore." You reply, shortly.

"Good. You being so... I dunno how to say this without sounding dickish, but you being so hung up on him is holding you back. Holding us back. We could have so much more! But you keep on going back to him. You keep leaving what you have now behind for some asshole who destroyed you."

You sigh. He's not wrong. You know wholeheartedly that you shouldn't be so attached. But the fear of loosing him forever is just... scary. Why is it so scary? When he abandoned you in the past, you would of cared less about if he were gone or not. Why do you care now?

"I know Haj. I'm gonna be better now, I promise."

Hajime smiles. "Thank you my love." He pulls into the driveway. "Hira will be ecstatic to see you."

You smile at the thought of your little three year old.

Oh yea, you had a whole kid.

Her shining olive eyes and (your hair color) hair.

She was conceived the night of your engagement, which was a shock, but she's the one thing in your life that keeps you stable. She's the real reason you haven't gone of the crazy rails, and run back to Nagito.

You get out of the front seat and see her. She runs- more like waddles- to you, a dorky smile plastered on her face. You pick her up and smile.

"Hi Hira!" You coo.

She grabs your nose in response. Your little girl, despite taking after you in many ways, is like hajime, in a sense that she's not much of a talker.

"Happy home." The little girl says, softly.

"Me too Hira, me too."


"You know, (Y/N), it's hard to believe that you and Nagito dislike eachother." Your mother, who was visiting, says.

"Is it?" You ask, semi sarcastically.

"Well yes! I always saw the way that boy looked into your eyes. Not to sound cliche, but I swear it was like no other look. He was in love with you."

You roll your eyes. "Tell me something I don't know."

Your mother lightly smacks your arm. "Mom." You huff.

"It's true pumpkin, whether you like it or not." She says.

It's silent for a moment. Your mother speaks up again.

"I also know you loved him. And it's hard for you to see him like this, whether you're admitting it or not."

You stare straight ahead, not wanting to face the truth that your mother just preached.

"Well." You say, coughing slightly. "I know that I love Hajime now. And I love Hira with all my heart. I know nothing is going to change that, not even Nagi."

Your mother sighs. "How long was he in the hospital for again?"

"1196 days."

(703) WOW this was a really bad chapter! sorry!!! the last two (yes the last two) chapters will be stellar. the last one will be angsty but oh well. might have a small surprise twist uwu???? prepare your booties! that's all i gotta say :3 oh also i posted a question thing on the board or whatever if u wanna reply ;) gn that's all

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