"What is your relationship with Harry Styles?" She began, her brown eyes trailing from the papers to him. Her words held a light tone but it was clear that however he answered was vital to the investigation.

Louis' mouth became dry as he pondered over how to answer because he didn't want to lie. But he also couldn't say that there was no relationship between them because then what the hell was he doing with him at the apartment?

"He's my boyfriend." He blurts out, blushing when she raised her eyebrows before taking a sip from her coffee.

"Do you have people who can confirm that?"



"Tim Collins. He owns Josie's bar just a few blocks from Harry's apartment. We both worked there together." Louis explained, knowing that the more information you give, the more pleasant experience.

"Worked. Past tense. Both of you no longer work at this bar?" She pushed, causing his hands to become sweaty because she was paying very close attention to his words. Not good.

"He still works there, I do not."

She leaned forward in her seat as if she had just heard something that would blow the case wide open. "Why don't you work there anymore?" Her eyes squinting as she waited for an answer.

Because I needed to get away from my serial killer ex-boyfriend and anything that reminded me of him, he thought.

"Wasn't a fan of the bar scene." He shrugged, "Too rough. Too many fights I would have had to break up. Came home smelling like beer."

She nodded at his response, her hands going to slide out a hidden folder that was underneath the first one. She flipped it open and once again Louis used the mirror only to feel his breath get caught in his throat because one page had 'TOMLINSON' printed in bold.

There was a moment of silence until Officer Santiago had found whatever she was looking for.

"Were you previously in a relationship with a man named Liam Payne?"

The small man clenched his jaw as he shook his head in agreement. A look of obvious discomfort spread on his face as he glared at the mirror because he knew that the man would come up at least once during the conversation.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"It had to be, at least, over a year ago." Louis responded, his mind trying to recall the last encounter he had with the brown eyed man. It most likely was not pleasant.

"Well, i'm sad to inform you that he was murdered. Our medical examiner has informed us that the time of death has to be around a year ago. My condolences." She sighed, her hands twirling her cup absentmindedly as she watched him intensely. Her words held a form of sincerity in them but her face looked as if she was trying to rile some reaction from him. "We believe that your boyfriend, Harry Styles, had killed him. Along with many others."

"Harry could never do that." Louis jumped to say, his eyebrows furrowing as he pretended to be shocked by the news. "No, no, no. Not him." His hands raked in his hair dramatically as he hyperventilated.

"Who else would have wanted him dead?" Santiago continued, raising an eyebrow as she watched his reaction intently. Little did he know that she viewed him as a suspect or even an accomplice to this crime. She was just waiting for the moment to strike and she had just found the man's weakness.

Talking about his ex.

"I-I don't know. He was a nice man-" The small man shrugged, almost gagging at the words that were pour form his lips.

Lively. {Larry}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat