On a wheelchair // Ralph

Start from the beginning

"I'm goin to die," you whispered to yourself still fanning your teary eyes.

"H-Hello?" A voice echoed throughout the quiet house, his voice is laced with fear as if speaking up would instantly kill him. The footsteps on grows nearer and you prepared yourself for the intruder's attack.

"Ralph's not here to harm Y/N" the person reassured, you don't know who the guy is but his voice made you calm down a little bit, "Ralph's here to get some help"

You're curious, relieved, and scared all at once, why would a stranger sneak into your house and ask for help? This situation feels so bizarre and this is not like the typical movies you've seen.

You slowly placed the kitchen knife back where it belongs purposely making a sound. As you turn back around, you're now face to face with a guy.

No, not a guy, an android. An android with half of his face ruined stare back at you with his mismatched eyes, this didnt surprised you because you remember the late nights you decided to stroll around the subdivision seeing him glance at you from an abandoned house but it only made you feel concerned because he looks like he has seen hell.

"I've seen you before, spying on me from the abandoned house a few blocks away" You said cautiously and approached him slowly, "Why are you in my house?"

Ralph seems to snap out of his thoughts and immediately look the the floor, "Ralph heard a lot of good things you have done for androids. Ralph doesn't usually approach humans because they hurt Ralph and Ralph doesn't like that" he said and looked up again.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, "What did they do to you?" You asked.

Ralph took a deep breath as if reliving a nightmare, "Humans approached Ralph while he's cutting the grass of the park at night and when Ralph scanned them and found out that they consumed alcohol and beat Ralph with his gardening supplies and got this," he pointed at the deep scratches at his cheek, "They scared Ralph so he ran away and hid".

You were speechless by the blonde android's story, you were moved and it actually hurts to hear his voice crack like he's refraining himself from crying.

"Ralph is it?" You asked, he nodded, "You see Ralph, when you need help you have to knock on the door first, it's much safer that way"

"Ralph is sorry," he replied his LED started blinking yellow, "Ralph makes a lot of rash decisions and sometimes loses track of what is real and what is not which is why Ralph is here in your house. Ralph is sorry for scaring Y/N so much and didn't mean for her to be upset, he just needs help"

You sighed and made your way to the fridge again and grab an apple, "I thought you're trying to rob me and you freaked me out, let's go to my garage" you said and placed your hand on the wheels and started pushing it.

Before you could go any further, Ralph blocked your way and you cocked your head to the side in confusion.

"Let Ralph help you" he said, you had no choice but to nodded your head and accept his offer. Your approval seems to brighten up Ralph sending a smile your way and happily walked behind you and started pushing your wheelchair, "Ralph is glad to help".

His sudden change of mood brought a smile to your face and you began munching your apple.


"So how did you know about me?" You asked grabbing a rag and blue blood from your supply cabinet.

"Other androids gave Ralph your address 4 months ago" he replied, he sat on a chair that's facing you and removed the cloak wrapped around his shoulders placing it on his lap neatly.

You approached him slowly and handed him the bottle of blue blood, his fingers slightly brushing your own making him flinch backward. You can tell Ralph has developed a fear from humans because of the way he reacts at unexpected movements you do.

"Don't be afraid, you came here for help so don't be scared" you reassured him with a smile but he's looking down avoiding your gaze so you slowly placed your hand gently on his chin and make him look at you in the eyes, "Don't be afraid".

Ralph's lips twitched but didn't say anything, he just stared at you then look away again making you sigh.

"Look Ralph, we need to work together so I can help you fix your injury" you said softly.

"Okay..." Ralph replied, "Ralph trusts you"

Those three words affected you in a way that made your heart beat faster in a good way. You took that chance and guide his face to look at you and you gently wipe the dirt that's filling up the crevices of Ralph's ruined cheeks and temples.

"You said four months ago" You trailed off, furrowing your brows together, "You hid for four months in that abandoned house. Why didn't you ask me for help immediately?"

"Ralph feels sketchy and he doesn't want to be treated badly by humans. He tried to ask for help one time but the human tricked Ralph and tried to reset Ralph" He spoke softly, and his hand starts to shake a little bit so you placed your hand on top of his giving it a little squeeze, "For four months, Ralph tries to find bad habits that Y/N do and... Ralph didn't find anything bad"

You didn't know if you're going to take it as a complement or not but nonetheless he made your cheeks warm. To be honest, you're not a really good person towards people that you don't like. You're direct and your mouth doesnt own a filter and everyone had to endure your bullshit.

But when someone needs help, even though you hate that person who's asking for help, you still held a helping hand. This is also the reason why some people take advantage of your generosity and leave you after getting what they want.

You turn around, grabbing the tool box for the tools to fix Ralph's face, you spoke "That's not entirely true," you chuckled, and faced him again, "I do have a bad bone in my body, I'm no angel"

Ralph took your words seriously and looked at you up and down as if scanning, "Ralph doesn't detect any broken bones in your body, you're perfectly fine".

You burst out laughing, "I-I didn't mean it literally Ralph" you stammered trying to take a breather while clutching your aching stomach.

Your reaction just brought a smile to Ralph's face and spoke, "Ralph is happy to make Y/N laugh".


Did i end it right? I'M SORRY IF THIS DOESNT REACH UR EXPECTATION @kittymeow93 !! I did try tho sorry!

Please leave a feedback about my writing and the actual story! I appreciate them a lot!

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