Chapter 26- Hotel

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Mary’s POV

Me and Zayn have been back together for 2 months now, everyone knows including Harry. I was scared about telling Harry, scared about how he would react, but he was fine with it all he said was Zayn better not screw it up this time. But im sure he wont.

“Mary! Are you ready?” Zayn shouted from the bottom of the stairs

“Yeah, im on my way” i shouted back, Me, Zayn, Harry, Mum and Anne, i dont call her mum, are going out for a meal today all of us together to celebrate me and Zayn.

I put on my shoes before heading downstairs (

“you look beautiful” Zayn said as i walked downstairs

“Thanks” i blushed

“don’t worry babe, they’ll be happy for you, for us” he whispered into my ear. this why i love him, he knows exactly how i am feeling just by looking at me.

I sent him a smile before we all (Me,Zayn,Harry,Mum and Anne) walked out. We got into seperate cars, me, Zayn and Harry in one and Mum with Anne in the other. We all head off to the resturant

“shall we tell them now?” Zayn whispered into my ear as we finished our main course. I just nodded, i was petrified about telling them.

“urm, guys.. me and Mary have something to say” Zayn raised his voice a bit to get everyones attention, they stopped their conversations and turned to face me and Zayn. Zayn looked at me meaning that he wanted me to be the one saying the news.

“well, i urm.. w-we” i stutterd looking at Zayn for support, he got the idea and told them

“we are having a baby” he smiled, Mum and Anne looked at eachother and started to scream, they looked like they were fangirling.Harry on the other hand spat out the drink he was drinking in complete shock

“Im so happy for you guys” mum said hugging us both, Anne done the same.  Then it came to Harry

He hugged Zayn first, like a ‘man hug’ but as he done that he whispered something into his ear which Zayn returned.

Zayn’s POV

Harry then hugged Mary also whispering in her ear.

We had our dessert and left the resturant

Mum said for me and Mary to stay in a hotel that night so we had time to ourselves, which we agreed to. We got our room key and headed to our room for the night.

“im going to have a shower” Mary informed me before going into the bathroom

Mary’s POV

i got out from the shower and changed into some clothes Zayn got for me, i walked back into the room to see Zayn watching tv while he was sat on the bed, his head turned to look at me as i entered the room, he signaled for me to sit with him so i walked over and sat next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and led back causing me to fall back and lay with my head on his chest.

A few minutes into the movie we where watching a question popped into my head

“Zayn? What did Harry say to you earlier?” i asked looking up at him

“he said that if i ever hurt you or the baby, i would never see the light of day again” he said smiling

“oh god” i giggled

“so. What did he say to you?”

“he told me that he is very happy for us both but i need to be careful with the dessisions i make from now on, to protect the baby” once i said that i realised how much Harry cared for me

“i agree, like now you need to sleep” i grinned

“okay, I love you Zayn” i said kissing him

“i love you more” he said smiling back at me

“not possible” i said before falling into a deep sleep 

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