Chapter 23- That face

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Mary's POV

Me and Harry left soon after the break up. Luckily i had packed my bags before i left so i wouldn't have to face Zayn. Anne picked us up and drove us back to Harry's. it felt weird being in a car with my new found brother and his- our mum.

when we go to Harry's he came and helped me get my bags

"are you sure your okay?" he whispered so Anne couldn't hear 

"yeah, it's just weird ya no. all this happening in one day"

"yeah, listen mums a great person to talk to when your having troubles. so if you get confused or just need to talk to someone go to her"

"thanks Harry" i hugged him before we went inside.

"Harry, go show Mary to her room please" Anne said once we were inside

"okay mum" 

Harry took me upstairs and opened the door to a room, it had pale blue walls and a wooden floor, there was a blue rug infront of the bed. the bed had blue pillows with a matching blue duvet, there was an en-suite bathroom on one side of the room and a chest of drawers with a wardrobe on the other.

"i knew your favourite colour was blue so i thought i would make it to your liking" Harry said as i walked around the room

"Harry. you did this? for me?" i asked turning to look at him

"all for you, it wasn't much trouble, it used to be my room"

"so where are you staying then?"

"me and mum done a makeover on the spare room and im staying there" he said while walking over to the bed, i sat next to him.

"Harry, why did your mum put me up for adoption?" i asked looking dead in his eyes

"i- i actually don't know" he replied with a hint of cofusion in he voice "do you want to find out?"

"later, im going to unpack and have a shower, ill be down soon"


he left and i went into the bathroom to have a shower

Zayn's POV

when i got home i called Rosie

*Phone Convo*

Rosie: hello?

Zayn: Rosie i need your help

Rosie: whats up? are you crying?

Zayn: urm, yeah.. Mary broke up with me

Rosie: what? why?

Zayn: well..she found out Harry's her brother and Anne's her mum, i got..jealous i guess so i beat up Harry, he went to hospital and he was in a coma for about an hour. when he woke up he told Mary what happened and she broke up with me. i-i dont think i can cope anymore

Rosie: okay Zayn calm down. please don't do anything stupid like before

Zayn: okay, c-can i come to yours to calm down this house has to many memories of her

Rosie: sure you can, see you soon

*End of phone convo*

Mary's POV

i got changed into a hoodie and some trcksuit bottoms then went downstairs, i walked into the kitchen to be met by Harry and Anne, i walked over to Harry and he pulled me in for a hug. we looked at each other, we knew it was the right time

"urm mum" Harry said to get Anne's attention 

"yeah?" she turned and looked at us

"urm.. why did you, put me up for adoption?" i stuttered hoping that i wouldn't hurt her feelings by asking her.

she sighed

"i knew you would ask that soon" she paused "i got pregnant with you after i was r-raped. i didn't want to have an abortion i find that stuff horrible. when i gave birth to you i could instantly see himin your eyes, of course i loved you but i knew you would be a constant reminder of that night. so i put you up for adoption.. when i found out that the Mailk's had adopted you i couldn't be happier, i knew you would be loved so much with them. i thought about you every day Mary.. im sorry" 

i could see tears in her eyes, i knew i had tears on the way and i swear Harry did as well. i walked over to Anne and hugged her. she started to cry on my shoulder after a few seconds Harry came and joined us, we were all crying together

once we had composed our sleves An- Mum decided to take us out for dinner, i went upstairs and got changed (

when we got to the resturant i was met by a face i really didn't want to see...

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