Chapter 20- The truth

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Zayn's POV

still no sound from the room, Liam ran over to me and sat down next to where i was

"heared anything mate?"

"No. are you sure this is where he brung her?"

"posative, he told me he comes here to let himself releax"

"so why did he bring mary?"

"i don't-" he was cut off by the sound of a female voice.. Mary

"Harry,why have you brung me here?"


i can't wait to hear this

Niall's POV

"Rosie?" i asked walking into the living room where Rosie was watching TV

"Yeah?" she asked not tearing her eyes away from the TV

"i just got a text from Zayn saying he know's where Mary is"

"oh okay, thats great" she patted the space next to her indicating for me to sit with her.

i waltzed over and sat next to her. i wrapped my arm around her shoulders. she was starting to lean in on my chest but i stopped her by kissing her neck. she tensed up but started to relax into my touch

"N-Niall.. what are you doing?"

"just relax hun..everything will me fine" i wispered as io nibbled on her ear

she turnt her face and connected her lips with mine.i deapend the kiss by pulling her head closer to me, i placed my hands on her waist while her arms found their way around my neck,she way playing with some hair at the back of my neck when i felt her tounge run across my bottom lip begging to enter, i granted her action.

as our tounges danced together i tugged at the bottom of her top pulling it up over her slim body,we broke the kiss for a few seconds as she pulled my shirt over my head the same way i had done hers.Weconnected our lips once more,my hands found a way to her waist so i pulled her onto my lap, she wrapped her legs around me as i stood. 

"are you sure your ready?" i asked pulling away from her lips

"100%" she replied pushing her lips back onto mine with force

i walked upstairs with my lips still connected to Rosie's and her legs still wrapped around my waist.

when we got up the stairs i kicked my bedroom door open, walked in and kicked it shut again. i walked over to the bed and dropped Rosie on to the bed.

"Feisty one are we?"

she winked.

Lets get this thing started!

Mary's POV

"well..." i was waiting for Harry to answer but he wasn't so i looked him straight in the eyes showing him that i was listening

"well..." he repeated "i urm just found out who your real parents are.." he looked upset but i couldn't be happier!!!


"well urm. i have their number, do you want me to call them?"


"okay, will you please calm down!"


Harry called them but when i heard the voice at the other end


"Hey, Mum it's me" Harry replied shakily



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