Chapter 2- I like you

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Mary's POV

Me and Zayn were about half way to school when he suddenly stoped.

Me: Zayn. whats wrong?

Zayn: oh..urm nothing.. but i need to talk to you later.

Me: urm..okay

i was getting slightly worried but i let it slide and got on with the school day.

Zayn'S POV

i had always had a 'slight' crush on my sister, but i had no way of telling her. and it killed me.

the reason i stoped on the way to school? i was going to just tell her straight out.. but i couldnt bring myself to say it.

i have made the decision to tell her later. after school. before i got to Liam's house with the others.

Mary's POV

that was the final bell. 

i went striaght to my looker and took all of my books out befor heading home.

*At Home*

i walked all the way home alone. i had no idea where Zayn was but i guessed he was with the other boys.

i couldnt help but wonder what he wanted to tell me.

*1 hour later*

i was starting to get worried about where Zayn was, he was usually home by now.

that when he walked through the door.. followed by Liam,Louis,Niall and Harry. 

this is going to be a fun night  -.-

Zayn's POV

the boys knew about my little 'crush' so i decided to go with them to Harry's house so they can help me out.

Me: Guys i need to ask you something. 

Louis: shoot

Me: well you know how i.. urm.. kinda.. like my sister.. i said very awkwardly 

Liam: yeah.. what about it

Me: i want to tell her

all their faces went into shock then they all started to talk in a huddle 

i couldnt help but wonder what they were saying.

Harry's POV

FINALLY!! he was going to tell her! 

Louis: okay i think he should just go home and tell straight up front

we all agreed,turnt round ready to tell Zayn.

Zayn's POV

they all turnt and faced me, i looked at each one of them in turn until Liam finally spoke up 

Liam: right zayn heres what your gonna do. 

Niall: we are going to go home with you after about 1 hour you are going to take her into the kitchen

Zayn: and how am i going to do that? i said cutting him off

Harry: let the boy finish

Zayn: sorry, carry on Niall

Niall: thank you. as i was saying, you will make the exuse that your going to get some food and ask her to help you.

Louis: then when your in there you i just going to come out and say it straight to her face

Harry: then we will go from there. Got it?

Me: got it 

with that we headed home

Mary's POV 

when i sae him walk through the door i couldnt help but run and hug him. i had been so worried about him, we had always been close since dad left and mum was always doing something.

Me: Zayn where have you been? ive been worried about you for ages!

Zayn: aww its only been an hour sis, im fine i was with the boys 

he kissed my head, which gained a wink from Louis and a giggle from Niall. i wonder what that was about? oh well inside joke i guess.

we walked into the living room and decided to watch a movie. 

Zayn's POV 

we got home and she gave me the biggest hug ever. 

she said she was worried about me but i reassured her and gave her i kiss on the head.  

thanks Louis and Niall for making that awkward

an hour into the film i decided to tell her

Me: urm.. are you guys hungry?

Niall: stupid question mate im here

we all laughed at his comment

Me: sis can you come help me find the popcorn

Mary: sure 

we walked into the kitchen, i shut the door even tough i knew the others would listen through the doore.

Me: sis i need to talk to you

Mary: shoot 

she was still looking for popcorn so i put my hads on her shoulders and turnt her to face me

Me: promise you wont freak out?

Mary: Zayn.. your starting to get me worried.. but yeah okay

Me: well.. i urmm.. i like you 

Mary: yeah.. okay, i like you too zayn, i mean your my brother i have to. she said with a giggle

Me: no. i mean i like you

her face went into complete shock

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