Chapter 11- Can we talk?

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Mary's POV

So, me and Zayn have been together now for 2 weeks. i feel safe when im with him, like nothing can hurt me. Rosie and Niall have gone public now and no one is giving Rosie any hate. well none that i know of. Me and Zayn still havn't gone public yet. i mean come on we are still related,kinda, imagine how his fans will act. Not to mention Mum and Dad.

Rosie's POV

I woke up in Niall's arms, got my laptop and logged on to twitter, since me and Niall went public i have gained 2000 followers, epic i know!. i followed a few back then i looked at my mentions. i had a few 'follow back' and a few funny tweets, which i replyed to. then i felt the bed move as Niall sat up beside me. He kissed my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Niall: Morning gorgeous

Me: Morning

Niall: what's up babe?

he looked at my laptop and saw the tweet. '@1D_Stargirl OI, you slut. Niall's mine! Okay ?!?!?!'

Niall: Really? another one?

Me: Yeah. they are getting worse

Niall: it'll be okay babe, i promise

Me: yeah, i guess

Niall: that's my girl

he kissed my cheek and continued

Niall:  Mary and Zayn are coming round soon

Me: Okay, Niall if i'm getting this much hate, imagine how much they will get

Niall, i know babe, i know. you should get ready

Me: okay, thanks Niall

we both smiled and he left the room, i had a shower and got changed into this:

after about 15 minutes the doorbell rung, i answered the door and saw Mary and Zayn standing on the door step, i gave them both a hug then we walked into the living room.

Zayn's POV

Me and Mary were on our way to Niall's, as we hadn't seen them for a few days. i could feel Mary's eyes burning me as i drove down the road.

Me: are you okay?

Mary: urm, yeah sorry....Zayn i was wondering, are you ready. you know. to go public?

Me: well im ready if you are

i could feel her smile which made me smile instantly.

Mary's POV

we were sat watching TV when rosie stood up and looked at me as if to say 'come with me, it's important' i quickly got up and followed her. which gained a few strange looks from the 3 boys

Me: so what's up?

Rosie pulled out her laptop and showed me screenshots of tweets, hate tweets, towards Rosie. i looked at her horrified. not only at the fact that people were actually saying that but i knew now that Me and Zayn couldn't go public. not for a long time

Zayn's POV 

Me: what's up with them?

Niall: i dunno

Me: oh well, i guess it's just girl talk

Niall: haha yeah probably

with that Mary walked in looked straight at me with a worried look on her face

Mary: Zayn, can we talk? 

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