Chapter 13- Leaving

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Niall's POV

i ran,just ran as fast as my legs could carry me. i just saw the love of my life making out with one of my best mates! in the middle of a crowed resurant. I knew where i was going so i kept running, ignoring the shouts of my name coming from behind me. i couldnt talk to Them right now.

i knocked on the door of the house i was at, to be greeted by a very tired looking Louis. yes Louis is the joker of the pack but he deffinatly gives the best advice.

Louis: hey mate. whats up?

Me: i saw Roise and Harry, together

Louis wiped a tear from my cheek and invited me in. i sat down on his sofa while he got me a drink of water to sooth my throat, Louis must of been watching Jeremy Kyle, well that was on the TV anyway, i looked at the comment at the bottom of the screen 'My Girlfriend cheeted on my with my best friend' great -.- just what i needed. Louis walked in with my drink, he could see more tears brewing in my eyes then he looked at the tv and saw what i was looking at, thankfully he turnt off the TV and looked me straight in the eye.

Louis: right. tell me exactly what happend.

Me: okay. so, this morning Rosie came downstairs and said she was going shopping, which i was okay with obviously. i watched TV for a few hours, until i started getting hungry so i went to Nandos. when i got there i walked through the door, thats when i saw them.

Louis: right okay. what are you goning to do?

Me: thats why i came to you. you've always had the best advice Louis.

Louis: haha. thanks mate. anyway, do you still love her?

Me: of course i do! but im not sure if i can trust her again.

Louis: right. what did you do once you saw them?

Me: i ran here

Louis: okay. did you think that Harry might of kissed her?

Me: well. No. i didn't think about anything. i just ran.

Louis: i've got it!. heres what youe gonna do...

Rosie's POV

I ran after Niall till i couldn't see him anymore, i felt a hand wrap roung my wrist, Harry.

Me: let go of me Harry! this is all you fault!

Harry: How the hell is it my fault!?!?! you kissed me back!!

Me: Harry! leave me alone! i just lost my boyfriend because of you!

Harry: oh. boo hoo!

i ran home i knew Harry was following close behind me. i got to the door when i felt a familliar hand on my wrist again.

Harry: don't lie Roise.. you loved it

Roise: just fuck off Harry!!

i slammed the door in his face and ran upstairs. i had a shower then got changed ( went back downstairs, into the kitchen got a tub of very chocolaty ice cream, consisting of: chocolate ice cream with grated chocolate, coated in cookie crumbs and chocolate sauce. NOM.

what?! chocolate is comfort food!

iw as eating, crying, eating and crying for about 2 hours. until i heard the door open. i had locked the door and the only other person who had the key was Niall. Right on cue he walked into the living room, looking at me like he wanted to kill me but he couldn't.

Me: Niall im so sor-

Niall: save it! look. i still love you, i always will

that made me smile, but then he continued 

Niall: But. i can't trust you as well as i did before. what i'm trying to say is, i  need a break, from us. to think and get away from everything

Me: your braking up with me?

tears stinging my eyes, i knew this was going to happen. all thanks to that curly haired dick!!

Niall: No. i'm just having a break from you, coz i know that if i stay i will forgive you too easily. i know it may not of been your fault, i know what Harry's like. but you still didn't do anything to stop it.

i nodded, i knew this was going to end in us breaking up, and if not us then the band.. who knows what's going to happen when him and harry are together

Niall: im going home, back to mum's house

Me: how long?

Niall: 2 months. while me and the boys are on a break.

Me: oh okay, when do you leave

Niall: in a hour

really?!?! so quick!!

Me: okay. have fun. i know this isn't the right time to say it but... i love you Niall

he walked out the door.

i cryed myself to sleep,thinking about Harry and Niall. how awkward it would be when they are together.

Then a thought popped into my head.

How will i tell Mary?!

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