The students grow confused when a different line of witches is mentioned, so she continues, "Our spells are of latin origin, do not require wands but instead involves other elements on Earth. We maintain the balance of nature but have the ability to tap into deep power, which of course, always comes with a price."

Some people murmur as the speaker still talks of a different type of magic, "I have tapped into this power and spent years attempting to make the balance of nature right again. I realize now that I was wrong and simply want to be close to my loved ones again."

My body remains unmoving, but I sense Kol making his way over to me. The voice goes on in a haunting manner, "What is interesting is that I passed on my magic to my children but none of them ever tapped into it because of what I had to do to protect them. But one managed to perform a different type of magic, one I was unfamiliar with. I was not aware of this until recently and thought it was impossible...she is a rare case in nature, but I only seek to understand her magic and reconnect."

I finally allow myself to recognize my own flesh and blood in front of me: my mother. She is alive, speaking in front of my friends and peers. I don't know how this is possible since I witnessed Niklaus rip her heart from her chest over a thousand years ago.

Hatred consumes me as I stare at her figure standing tall and proud on stage. She tried to end us form the other side and let our father continuously hunt us down. She was the one who turned us into vampires, yet is the one trying to rid the world of vampires. How ironic.

Mother speaks again, and I can tell my siblings do not fully trust her either by the way their eyes analyze her every move. My eyes wander the room to spot Fred across the dance floor, who looks over at me with worry. I nod to show him that I am alright, even though I am anything but that. "I will let you all enjoy the rest of your evening after I introduce my children. Thank you again for welcoming us."

Finn makes his way to the front with everyone following suit. "The eldest, Finn." He joins Mother on stage proudly, like the follower he was back then.

"Elijah." I stare at my noble brother, who keeps letting Niklaus tear this family apart, as he joins them followed by, "Niklaus."

The hybrid walks on stage like he owns the place, confidence seeping from him as he looks into the crowd of his inferiors.

Rebekah's hand falls into my own to squeeze it lightly as a way of trying to comfort me. As she is called on stage, she lets go, making my hand fall limp beside me. She goes up as Mother says her name, "Rebekah."

Kol offers me his arm, and I want to flee, but I still feel in shock with everything that is currently happening. I look at his face and worry is apparent on his face, which is surprising since he is probably the most heartless one out of my siblings aside from Niklaus. My hand makes its way to his arm though as I grab on for support. "And the twins, Kol and Alexia."

People cheer as we all stand on stage, some of us more proudly than others, but some also grow confused as they spot me on stage with the other guests.

I don't blame them, considering I'm not even sure what is going on. I can't even think about what is running through their minds about my family.

Mother ends her speech, "And we are the Mikaelsons. Thank you." Another round of applause erupts, and I wish I could tell everyone to stop and realize the danger in front of them.

The music picks back up again as we leave the stage. Kol drags me down the stairs since I feel stuck and still caught of guard.

Mother turns towards me promptly, "Sorry to surprise you like this, but I want us all to be a family again." I exchange a look with Kol, who I know is weary too by the way he stands leaning away from her. "Come back to Mystic Falls with us. We are inviting people over next week, and it would be incomplete without you present."

I stare at her blankly, devoid of any emotions. It takes a lot of work to produce a sentence. "How are you alive?" Desire to know this answer bugs me as I think back to her death on replay trying to make sense of everything.

She responds immediately, "I have been watching over all my children from the other side, and I got a footing into this world again. I am grateful because I am back to correct my past mistakes."

I still don't understand completely as she speaks to me, and to my other siblings as well since she knows no one other than Finn is ready to forget the past. I don't know how to feel since I've only thought negative things of her the past millennium, yet here I am, staring at someone who used to sit there with me, brushing her fingers through my hair as I tried to fall asleep when I was young.

She can tell that I am having an internal debate with myself, so she says, "I'm going to go thank that Headmaster again, but please consider my offer about coming home." Mother walks away, leaving me alone with my siblings and my thoughts. I want to scoff at how she casually said 'home', since I am home.

Now that my mother is off with Dumbledore, I look at all my siblings, one by one.

Words are overdue with my dramatic siblings, but I know what to say to them all.

Sadly, Niklaus beats me to it, "Well, fancy this. Here we all are reunited and together at last."

My gaze hardens, "You know, if you weren't such an awful person, Henrick would have never died because of you, mother would have never turned us into vampires, you wouldn't have murdered her in cold blood, or daggered us all because of how fearful you are of the truth. Truth is, you're the devil disguised as a hybrid who only cares about himself." My words come out in one breath, no longer able to contain my anger.

Niklaus' eyes widen at my response, yet I can tell he isn't surprised at how I feel. Finn slips away, clearly not wanting to be involved with us making a scene.

Elijah steps in, holding an arm out in front of me as he sees me walk closer to Niklaus, ready to hurt him, "Calm down, sister. I think we should all take advantage of this time to figure out what our mother is up to as a family."

Kol rolls his eyes at our older brother, "Elijah, we all know that this is just another plan to kill us."

Rebekah, who has been quiet all along speaks up, "I don't know...I think she may be sincere, so we should hear her out."

A scoff escapes my lips, "Unlikely."

Niklaus decides to change the subject, "So when are you going to show us what your made of?" He gestures towards my hands, clearly curious about my magic.

I smirk at this, "Wouldn't you like to know. I bet deep inside you're wondering how to dagger me again since it would be bad to have a hybrid against you."

Kol lays a hand on my shoulder, "We agreed, no more daggers." Rebekah looks down at this, knowing that this will not hold for very long.

I let out a sigh as I look at them, "It's been a very long time since I have seen some of you..." Besides Niklaus, all of their gazes soften at this, knowing that it has been forever since we were all together.

"But always and forever is long gone. I have found a new family here who cares about me more than most of you ever have, so I doubt I will be returning home with you all."

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