ThE vIdEo...

554 6 2

Jake POV

It was currently 12 am and Paige, Anthony and i were sat in the office. 

The rest of team 10 had gone to bed earlier. 

A- So how do you want to do this? 

J- I think we should just tell them straight and how it actually is

P- i agree lets just skip the part where we had sex though

J- agreed, lets do this then 

It was evident that we were all nervous to make this video and it was also clear it would take more than one shot and a lot of editing. 

(the video is going to be in bold) 

THE VIDEO - We've been lied to our whole lives

J- GOOOOOOOD MORNINGGGGGG JAKE PAULERSSSSS, Today i am making a video obviously, but i have two very special guest. Anthony Truillio and Paige. 

A- what's popppin

P- heyyy 

J- so today for this Video as you can tell by the title it's going to be a video telling you how my mother changed all of our lives earlier today. It's 12 am right now and everyone is in bed except us, we have been sat here for over 2 hour trying to figure out how to tell you this information we learned of earlier. 

P- It hasn't been easy for any of us 

A- It's changed the way we view our family as one now.

J- Basically if you have been on Instagram recently you may have seen peoples stories about me and Paige arguing. 

P- It was bad

J- A lot of stuff went down 

A- And a lot of stuff went flying 

P- Literally (she rolled her eyes) 

J- Anyways besides that our mother had so come in because no one else could break up the very extreme argument. 

P- Get to the point then you dog

J- So basically we've been lied to our whole lives. Paige isn't actually my sister. 

A- She's my sister

J- Paige you explain 

P- Basically when my real mom, Anthony's mom was pregnant with me it wasn't her choice this is why Anthony's dad was never around when he was younger. Anthony's mom couldn't bare to look or think about what happened but she still wanted to know how i was doing and things like that. But Pam couldn't have children after Jake but she really wanted a girl so Anthony's mum gave me up for adoption to Jake's mom. And we all lived happily ever after. The End. 

J- Except not really... 

P- What ? 

J- We have all been brought up thinking Paige is my sister but sadly she isn't it's been a blast being so close to Paige her whole life and watching her grow up thinking she's my sister but now that's clearly come to and end. But Paige and i are still going to be just as close as we were before. 

A- Paige and i are going to get to know each other as brother and sister instead of just being friends because quite frankly i don't know when her birthday is and that isn't very good. And Paige i think you should come back to England (i know thy don't live there but who care amirite) and spend some time with my mum 

P- Anthony i don't think i can do that i'm sorry. 

And Paige ran off crying 

J- We'll be back after this short commercial break

I ran up into Paige's room after her 

J- Paige what's wrong? 

P- I don't want to go and see her now

J- Why she's your mom Paige 

P- She might be but i know who my real mother is and that's Pam. Jake what if mom didn't want a girl or she had one by herself where would i have gone, to some orphanage or a care home. She didn't want me then and i don't want her now

J- I understand that but she gave birth to you 

P- But who bathed me when i was young, who washed my dirty clothes after i'd been playing in the mud, who brushed and plaited my hair for dance classes when i was 5, who tucked me into bed and didn't leave until she gave me a good night kiss, who made me soup when i was ill, who picked me up from school when it was raining. Pam, Wait no my mom did all of those things for me not Anthony's mom. Our mom. I might not be your sister but Pam is my mom and i feel like if i go to Mrs Truilllio now i will have let mom down. And she has done so much for me and i want to be able to do that for her. I love her and she has loved me since day 1. 

She had tears streaming down her face as she spoke about how much she loves our mom. and all i could do was hug her. 

J- It'll be ok. 








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