I'm Sorry

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Jake and Paige argue and Jake says that it can't happen again

2 Weeks later... 

Jake POV

So Paige has officially moved into the team 10 house, she shares a room with her best friends Erika and Tessa. I've seen Rik and T walking about the house and stuff but Paige never leaves her room, she makes all her videos in there doing Q&A's and Covers and sometimes posts originals. But she stays in her room.

But today that all changes i told team 10 we were going to the beach so i texted the group chat 

Team 10 hoes: 

J: Hii, Guyss who's in for a beach day and a photo shoot while we're theree?? 

Rik: I'm down, time

T: Sure give me 5

K: I'm the photographer so i'm in boiii

A: OK boyy 

C: The trio and everyone else lmao ye

Hitman (CHAD):I'm down, but my boys are in town still is it cool if they tag alone bro?

J:Sure man

N: I'll drive 

J: Paige? 


End of text messages 

Her response gave me wide eyes, i wonder if it's what was said 2 weeks ago, we haven't spoke since not even through texts. We were so close and i've lost my sister, best friend, everything

This gave me and idea though, She wasn't going to come out while we were there but maybe she comes out and stocks up on food and drink while we're all out. so I'm going to catch her. 

"Come on team 10 we're leaving" i shout at the top of my lungs making sure she heard me

"bye pay" I hear Erika and Tessa say as they leave the room being sure to lock it behind them

Do they know what happened? 

It's been 10 minutes and Nick's driving then i churp up 

"Shit, i've left my phone go back quick" 

"Jake what the heck" Everyone says in unison before Nick finds a spot to turn around and goes back. 

"Wait here i'll be back in a minute" I quickly shoot off and as i get closer to the door i hear music and smile to my self as i slowly and quietly open the door, i spotted her. 

Dancing by herself. 

She's beautiful in her shorts and my cropped merch hoodie. 

I cough and she looks to me before running upstairs as fast as she can and i chase her, but before i get to her door she's in there and it's shut.


I lost my chance.

"Paige, Please, I'm sorry what happened between us, i can't live like this any longer. You're my sister, my best friend, my everything. We used to be so close and now i messed up and i lost you, i'm sorry i wasn't thinking about you, i was being selfish and only thinking about myself. I want us to go back to how we we're. Watching movies at 2am and eating pizza, going to McDonalds and going threw the drive thru' like a car with you on my shoulders. I miss us being silly and taking ugly selfies cause lets admit we're both ugly, you more than me tho" I chuckle to myself as i hear shuffling behind the door "Please Paige I really miss you" Tears fall down my cheeks as i speak. I start to get up when i hear the door lock and i hear her slide down it, she's sobbing on the other side. "Come out and let me hug you and hold you, I can't bare that i'm the one that hurt you so badly, i'm your brother i should protect you, I'm truly sorry" -------------------------------------------------------

And you'll never find out what happens because this is the end of BROTHER JAKE PAUL.

Nah jk i'm just kidding

I love y'all 

Thank'you for readingg <3

word count: 628

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