We BoUt To HiT tHe ClUb?!

538 7 6

Jake POV

Today Jack came by the Team 10 house for a 'catch up' with pay but there's always an agenda with that boy. Last time he was with Paige they had an argument and i had to get him to leave. They've dated once before but it didn't end well because he got with Madison. But last i heard she got famous and left him, Prolly why he came back to Paige she was always stupid in love with him. Until me... I hope

They came back downstairs and sat on the sofa laughing and they were cuddling so i texted the team 10  group chat. 


J- Yo We bout to hit the club?!

T- I am so readyy got my fake ID boysss ;)

E- Tessa oml but yes me toooo :) 

P- I'm so down to get drunkkkeddd out my faceee 

A- i'm readyy 

C- only if i can dance with thee queen Payy

P- Chance ahh

J- No lmao

K- i'm so in 

Chad- I wantttt inn 

J- It's settled team night outtt be ready for 8 you fagss and look freshhh *O* 


Soon after i heard Paige telling Jack he needed to leave so she could get ready and i went down stairs to say bye to him. 

jp- You leaving Jack? 

jg-Yes but i'll be back Paige asked me if i wanted to join your team 10 night out so i said ye

P- bring JJ pleasee i miss him 

jg- He's with Sam and Nate i think 

P- can he bring them please Jakey 

jp- It was meant to be a team 10 night but the more the merrier

jg- Thanks bro first rounds on me tho 

And with that he fist bumped me and ran out the door so i turned to Paige and then he came running back in 

jg- Left my phone sorry guys 

Then he kissed Paige on the cheek making her blush then ran out the door once again making sure he'd took everything. 

I clenched my jaw at the sight of them, she was going to be mine once this drama settled down. 

P- I'm going to shower and get ready since we leave in 2 hours bye Jake.

jg- Bye Paige 

Paige POV

I had just got out of the shower when i heard a knock on my bedroom door, recently someone had left team 10 so there was a spare room which i got before anyone else so i had a big room to myself. Anyways i opened the door to see Chance peek his head around the door 

C- Hey

P- Oh hey Chance whats up?

C- I feel like we haven't spoken since you kno- 

P- Ye, we kissed i was trying to prove a point to baby but now she's gone 

C- But i feel like we got along really well that day

P- Yes it was really fun 

C- I was wondering if maybe you'd like to do it again some time? 

P- Sure, but Chance i don't want to start anything i can't finish considering my recent family issues and changes. 

C- I understand that and i want to be there for you Pay, please let me help you 

P- Ok

He hugged me and kissed me which i wasn't expecting then he ran out the door back into his own room and it wasn't long before i heard something being thrown so i quickly put my dressing gown on and ran outside and looked over the balcony 


He had thrown something 

P- Jake what the fuck are you doing 

J- i-i'm - i don't know 

P- Stop breaking stuff for god's sake

J- Don't tell me what to do in my own home Paige 

P- is it shark week bro 

J- It's about to look like shark week if you don't leave me the fuck alone Paige. 

P- Well, we still fight like cats and dogs and we aren't related anymore. 

J- come here Paige 

P- No i'm getting ready 

With that i flew down the hall into my room and shut the door to begin my make up as i only had an hour now after all the interruptions i had. 

Within an hour i was done and apparently everyone was waiting for me to come downstairs, and when i got down there everyone was there, including, Sammy, Nathan(Nate/skate)  and jack& jack, so i ran down and hugged them all. 

P- Hey you guysss

S- Well hello hottty i haven't seen you in a while 

N- Hello lil ma

jj- Hi Paige  

jg- hey payy

I hugged JJ the longest because he was my favourite.

Jp- Lets head out into the cars then boyss and girls, but Paige can we talk 

P- Sure what's wrong

Jp- Can you not flirt with all the guys please 

P- Jake i'm just being friendly, why is it all of a sudden a problem

Jp- we're not related anymore Paige and it changed the way i see you 

and with that he smashed his lips onto mine he was hungry for more and pulled me in to deepen the kiss even more. He moved his hand down to my butt and squeezed making me pull back 

P- Let's go


As we got into the club Jack G got first round like he said he would then we took turn in whose round it was until we were all smashed and dancing like freaks gone wild.

I was dancing with everyone being passed from guys to guy to girl, i was mental and i was happy and didn't want this night to end, but before i knew it 4 hours had passed, i had been clubbing for 4 hours. However i was having fun until i was being dragged onto the dance floor by him. His hands gripped my waist and helped me grind on him. We were slurring our words but i managed to make out his words to be lets sneak back before anyone else and sneak in a little more fun.  I nodded and blushed, he still had the same effect on me even now. We just more than friends but little less than family. 

We got into the uber and made out in the back and it was a heated make out too. 

As we got back to the house he told me to jump so i did and he carried me in a put me on my bed and was kissing down my neck as i moaned his name..... 







 <3 UNEDITED <3 

BROTHER JAKE PAULDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora