Chapter XXX: Caught In The Act

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"I don't even understand what my position would be." I told her.

"You're the Domana."

"Now, take your power." Mrs. Porter demanded.

"As Next Domana, I relieve you of your position for the safetyand well-being for the pack and all its members."

Mrs. Porter fell to her knees. At first, nothing happened and I started to feel silly for what I had said, but then I felt it. It was like a pressure in my chest that slowly started to expand throughout my body. The tips of my fingers and toes tingled. I looked away from Lucien's mother. Kes shot her eyes back to me. From Lucien. Was she just staring at him? I bet she was. That bitch. He's mine. Mine.

A growl ripped through my throat, warning her to stay away from him. My face twisted into a snarl when all she did was stand there. How dare she not listen to me. I stalked forward two steps before a hand grasped my still healing arm. I didn't acknowledge the pain. All my focus was now on the person that was turning me to face them. My eyes rested on Lucien. All anger was washed away in an instant. An alluring smile painted itself on my face. Whatever he was about to say was forgotten. His eyes were glued to my lips. I pulled him flush against me and ever so slowly ran a finger down his chest, to the button of his pants.

"Why don't we go to your room and have a little fun?" I suggested in the most seductive voice I could muster.

Lucien swallowed loudly, clearly hating himself for the answer he was about to give me. "Angel, I wish we could, but we can't right now."

I huffed, glaring. "Are others' needs more important than mine?" He obviously didn't care about me.

He cupped my cheek in his hand. I leaned into it, loving the contact. "Your wolf is talking for you. I'm not going to take advantage of that. No matter how much I want to."

I sighed, pulling my best pleading face, while still trying to be sexy. "My grandpa himself said that we needed to do more things we used to. This is one of thoes things."

"Lucien, just take her and go." I hear a familiar voice say.

I saw Andon over my mate's shoulder. Lucien turned around and gave my brother a confused look. I did too when I saw he was holding hands with another boy.

"You're gay?!" I exclaimed.

My big brother nodded and faced Lucien again. "You have time to take her to your room. Sienna isn't going to do anything else for the day. She already escaped to her room with Jaxon."

I didn't even have to beg him. Lucien grabbed my hand and ran. I guess he wanted me badly. We were in his room within the minute. He was already taking off my clothes before the door was fully closed.

(If you want to read the steaminess, you know where to go. If not, keep reading.) 

Having this much control was amazing. I was close to my release. Well, I was until my dad stormed through the door. In the first few seconds he was in the room, his brain didn't comprehend what was going on, so he started yelling for leaving the house. I shot down under the blankets at the same time he noticed that we weren't just sitting on the bed. He started screaming something about getting pregnant again. There was one thing I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to see in my life. My dad fainted. Yes, he fainted.  

"Dad!" I exclaimed, almost jumping out of the bed to make sure he was okay.

"Serenity," I heard my mom say from the hallway, "I tried to tell him to knock, but he didn't listen. He did the same thing a minute ago with Sienna."

Lucien made sure to cover up his waist. He did so just as Mom walked into the room. Her eyes went straight to us.

"You took Josette's power, didn't you?" She questioned.

I assumed Josette was Lucien's mother and nodded.

Mom lightly kicked Dad in the side a few times before he came to. He sat up, making sure to keep his eyes down.

"If it helps make you feel better, Dad, we were using protection." I told him hesitantly.

"Ah! No! No! No! Ehh! Just stop. As far as I know, you and your sister think boys have cooties and don't even like them."

"Wouldn't that mean we were lesbian?"

"Ahhh! I said stop!" He got up and left the room without another word.

Mom couldn't help but smile. "I've heard stories. Don't get too crazy." She told me, closing the door behind her.

That had to be the most tramatic thing that ever happened to me. I don't get how my mom was so calm about it. Usually she's the one always telling me that boys are bad.

"That was a mood killer." Lucien muttered.

"Yeah, it was." I agreed.

Kiss him...

I glanced around. What the hell? I must be hearing things.

Straddle him and show him you are in charge.

I closed my eyes tight and reopened them, expecting to see someone else in the room.

"Ser, what's wrong?"

"Don't you hear that?"

Stop talking and get to it.

"What are you hearing?" He questioned, brushing off my own.

"A voice. It won't shut up."

He smirked, probably thinking I was crazy. "That would be your inner wolf. She is supposed to help you understand things as you grow, but most wolves at this age aren't really helpful."

I floppoed down on the bed. "I have a feeling you've already explained this to me."

Lucien nodded. "I have."

"I don't understand how you're so patient with me. I would be going insane by now."

He laid down next to me. "If our positions were switched, you would act like I am, I'm sure of it."

My eyebrows pulled together as a thought came to me. "What was it like when I didn't recognize you?"

It was like he was going back in time. Lucien's face contorted in almost a painful grimace. He took a deep breath and relaxed his muscles. "I walked into that lunch room and my senses were on high alert. My wolf was going crazy trying to track you down. I saw you sitting at the table with everyone and my heart stopped. When our eyes met, I almost broke. I shouldn't have ignored your confusion, but when you stood up, I thought you knew me. My heart broke when you looked at me with nearly empty eyes after pushing me away."

I rolled over and hugged my mate, causing my wolf to stir. I straddled him, mostly because I knew getting him back in the mood would cheer him up, something I needed to happen. "Are you ready to finish?"

All sadness was forgotten. "Hell yeah." He turned us around, so I was underneath him.


Yay! Everyone has their full power!

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