Chapter VI: Think Human

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After saying good-bye to my parents, and Lulu's, we went up to his dorm. I sprawled out on his bed, taking over the whole thing. He looked down at me through narrow eyes. I just smiled sweetly and batted my eyelashes. His expression softened for a moment before hardening again.

"That is my bed." He stated. 

"Oh, don't be like that, Lulu." I said, putting emphasis on his nickname.

He rolled his eyes. "Can you at least share?"

I clapped lightly. "There's a good boy." I teased.

He didn't say anything. Instead, he rolled me over to the other side of his double bed. He didn't have to share a room with anyone, so he got a bigger bed than everyone. That, and his dad is the Beta, so he can pretty much have whatever he wants. I lifted my face from the pillow and smiled at Lulu. He smiled back and attempted to wrap an arm around me. I rolled away and almost fell, but Lulu was quick enough to catch me.

"Don't run from me." He breathed, trapping my gaze with his.

His crystal blue eyes sent me into a trance. My body felt weightless and everything from my mind was wipped away. I was extra aware of how close our bodies were. His hand cupped my cheek lovingly. He leaned in close until our noses were touching. He was leaving an open invitation. It was all up to me if we would have our first real kiss now or wait longer. I started leaning in, closing the distance between us. Our lips had barely brushed together when there was pounding at the door. A growl ripped through Lucien's throat. In a flash, he was on his feet and nearly tearing the door off its hinges.

"This better be important." Lucien's voice was deep and husky. It made my wolf howl with anticipation.

"Man, we are always important." A familiar voice said.

Two bulky figures entered the room, pushing passed Lucien. I recognized them both. One was Eddy. He took one look at me and paled. The other was one of my fighting partners from gym; Trace. His expression turned from cocky to hesitant.

"Dude, we're sorry." Trace told him.

"Yeah, we thought you were alone." Eddy said.

They quickly left the room, shooting Lucien apologetic looks. He closed the door behind them and sat heavily on his bed. I sat up and crawled over to him. I wrapped my arms around his chest and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Why were they acting like that?" I asked him.

"Because its a big no-no to interupt an Alpha or Beta when they're with their mate." He explained.

A blush spread through my cheeks. "Oh."

He turned his head and planted a kiss on my temple. "I feel like I should apologize for them."

"Its alright." I lightly brushed my lips against his neck. "Why did your voice sound different?"

"My wolf was pissed at them. He was trying to fight me for control."

Apperently my wolf liked that idea, because that's exactly what she started to do. My grip on Lucien tightened. My nails dug into his arms. I had to bite my lip to hold in a cry of pain. Lucien had no idea what was going on.

"Ser? Ser, are you okay?" He questioned with worry.

When I didn't answer, he pried my fingers off of his arms and spung around. His hands cupped my cheeks as he inspencted my face. Something must have tipped him off, because he picked me up and started running with me. My vision was bluring, so I couldn't see where he was taking me. My body was rippling with pain. I knew what was happening, because I have only felt this start one time before. I would never be able to forget it. I was changing.

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