Chapter XXIX: Shift In Power

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Lucien gave me a confused look.

"Make me change." I demanded again.

"I-I can't."

My heart dropped. I turned to face my siblings. "Get me mad."

They shrugged, as if they had nothing better to do. Stone jumped up from the couch and pulled my hair, making me instinctivly hit at him. All four of them did something that usually sends me over the edge, my anger quickly increased. Dad just added to it, yelling at us all to stop. Since Dad wasn't listening to Mom, she stormed off into their bed room, causing him to follow her, even though he really didn't want to. Lucien was going to change after I did. I told him that he would be taking me to the school. He didn't argue.

Something in me was pushing me away, as if I was losing control of my body. That was when my stomach twisted painfully. My body tingled with heat. My muscles tightened and became sore. The pain slowly started to fade before hitting me full blast. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor. Lucien tried holing my hand, but quickly let go when my arm broke at an odd angle. I screamed in pain as more bones broke. Lucien tried everything he could to comfort me, but every place he touched would be the next place something sparked with unbelivable pain. He eventually stopped and just sat there, staring at me with regret filled eyes. Stone and the twins patted him on the back a few times, telling him everything would be okay.

After that, I could care less what was happening. My back broke, and I lost it. It was ten times worse that when I brake my leg. Losing my baby was less painful that this was. The scream that escaped my lips scared me. It sounded like I was dying. Hell, it felt like I was dying. Tears flowed down my cheeks and dripped onto the floor. No one dared touch me. The last thing I saw before I blacked out, was Sienna. She had a calculating expression, meaning she was forming some sort of plan.

I opened my eyes to see my dad's angry face. When I tried speaking, a wierd grumbling sound came out, making me jump to my feet in surprise. Why was I so short? I twisted enough to see a tail. To make sure it was mine, I spun in a circle a few times.

"She's already chasing her tail! Mom, I told you she already had brain damage!" Stone said.

I stopped in my tracks, facing him. I lowered my head and growled threateningly. Someone bumped my shoulder. I looked to see the same wolf that had bitten me. Lucien barked in his way of telling me to follow him.

"Serenity, don't you dare!" Dad yelled.

"Vicky--" Mom started.

"It's still dangerous for you to be away from us!"

"Vicky--" Mom tried again.

The front door opened and grandpa walked in. He left it wide open. Perfect. We ran for the opening.

"As Alpha, I order you to stay here!"

I literally couldn't move. I collapsed to the floor, tears shimmering my eyes. I can't believe my dad. I don't even know the man anymore. I thought him using my middle name was bad, but this was worse. He was taking away my free will, something he swore over the years he would never do. I never really understood it then, but I do now. The boys, including grandpa, started yelling at dad for what he did.

Mom left the room again, not able to handle all of the noise. She's always had more sensitive ears then everyone. Sienna stood, effectivly silencing everyone in the room. Lucien whinned, letting me know he was still there for me, it seemed. She stood right in front of Dad, her face expressionless.

"As Next Alpha, I relieve you of your position for the safety and well-being of the pack and all its members."

I had no idea what had just happened, but everyone else did. The twins' jaws dropped. Stone clapped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide. Grandpa rubbed the back of his neck, something he did when he didn't know what to say, which was rare. Dad's expression was one of terror. He looked like Sienna had just said she was going to commit suicide because of him.

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