Chapter XVIII: Day Five

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Yesterday, it took forever to calm my brothers down. After a lot of persuading and begging, they finally layed off Lulu. They never stopped glaring at him, and when I got up to go to bed, they made Sienna go with me. While Sienna and I were lying in our beds talking, Stone made an appearence. I didn't talk to him the entire time. He ended up falling asleep on Sienna's bed. The both of us feel alseep shortly after.

Today, it was another day of Erin drilling us on everything she could think of. S.T just let her run the call because according to him, and everyone else, she'd do a better job than he would. We'd just finnished running five miles, and she was already having us do push-ups. I swear my heart was going to blow up at any minute.

"Come on you lazy bums! My grandmother could do this faster than you!" She sounded like a sargent from a boot camp.

She's been constantly calling us all "ladies" and telling us how out of shape we were. Everyone has been asking her when we were going to stop and actually do some fighting and her reply was always, "I don't know, you tell me." I'm really getting tired of her. After the fifty push-ups, we were ordered to do fifty sit-ups. At this rate, I was going to have a six pack by tomorrow. I was the second one done with the sit-ups, Toby was the first. He was obviously used to all of this working out. When everyone was done, we had to do a minimum of one hundred lunges.

I was about to start, but then something struck me. She's practically been telling us we could stop whenever we wanted. I stood in my spot and crossed my arms across my chest. Erin stopped her own lunges and stomped over to me.

"Problem?" She asked.

"No. I'm just done exercising."

Everyone's eyes were on Erin, waiting for her to reaction. They thought she was going to explode. She simply smiled at me. "Alright then, Nity. Take a load off."

Pat smirked slightly and sat down. "I'm done."

"Great." Erin said.

Lulu face planted, breathing heavily. "I hate you, Erin." He panted.

"Doesn't everyone?" She said cheerily.

Quinn and Lacy dropped in a heap, sweat dripping from their bodies. Trace stood in place for a few seconds before falling back and lying on his back.

Toby just started doing crunches. The kid was a monster. "You guys are whimps. This is nothing."

"Shut up, Toby." Lulu muttered.

Erin turned back to me. "I was wondering when someone was going to realize they could have stopped whenever they wanted. Glad it was you, Nity."

I mock saluted. "I will never again complain when my dad takes me training."

S.T laughed at us all when he entered the gym. "They finally figured it out, huh?"

"Yup." Erin said. "Took 'em long enough. I was starting to break a sweat."

He looked around at us all, chuckled some more, and said, "Alright, early break. You guys earned it."

No one moved from their spots. Even though I wanted to pass out on the floor like a few of the others had, I knew I wouldn't want to get back up if I did. I stayed standing, shifting my weight from one foot to the other, and resting my hands on top of my head so I could breathe. I mustered up some of my remaining energy and made my way over to Lulu. I helped him off the floor and to a table in the cafeteria. Everyone followed, except for Quinn and Lacy, who were passed out. The kitchen staff brought us some food at S.T's request. Since "our enemies were close", according to Benton, we were training from six in the morning, to eight at night. We got four breaks throughout the day, and were required to drink a bottle of water every hour, on the hour. At noon, on our second break, we ate lunch. In a few minutes, everyone would come to eat dinner.

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