Chapter I: The Day Before

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I pattered down the empty hallway. Late again. If my parents found out, they'd have my head. I quietly snuck into my first period geometry class. Math first thing in the morning? No thank you. I made it to my seat without really being noticed, but, of course, I should have known better.

"Thank you for joining us Serenity." Mrs. Banner said, still turned around to face the white board.

"My locker wouldn't open." I lied smoothly.

She sighed, clearly not beleiving me.

I took my notebook and penciles out of my back pack before pretending to listen to Mrs. Banner's explanations of angles and intersecting lines. Before I knew it, class was over and I was headed to my locker. I replaced my math supplies with my history books. I had just closed my locker with I heard the call of familiar voices.

"Serenity!" They said as one.

I turned around to see my two best friends dancing towards me. And yes, I really do mean dancing. They were the biggest dorks in the world. Iris was tiny; about five ft even. She had long flaming red hair with natural golden strands. Her eyes were faded green. Bria was nearly the total opposite. She was five ft seven and had short brown hair. Her eyes were a vivid shade of blue.

"I heard you were late again." Iris told me.

"I slept through my alarm and then had to walk here." I told her.

"Why didn't your parents wake you up?" Bria questioned.

"They are at work." I reminded her, just as the bell rang. We started on our way to class, which we all had together.

"Your siblings?" Iris asked.

"They tapped a note to my door saying that they tried waking me up, but I kept punching at them."

"Geez, girl. What time did you go to sleep last night?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, you're usually easy to wake up." Bria added.

"I actually went to bed before dinner. I don't know what's up with me."

Neither of my friends had a chance to answer. There was shouting from down the hall that drew our attention. We wondered over to the source of the noise. Andon, one of my brothers, was crouched on the floor clutching his stomach. Ashoton, Andon's twin, was getting in some other guy's face.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Ashton shouted. "He didn't mean to bump into you, you gnarly assed psycho!"

I dropped my back pack when the guy pushed Ashton, sending him flying back into his twin. The guy was turned around to his snickering friends when I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and smirked at me. I punched him in the jaw and fell flat on his back. His friends stared at me with shocked expressions. 

"Don't touch my brothers." I snapped, turning back around, about to leave. I froze.

"Miss. Sin." Mr. Allen, the principal said. "My office. Now."

"Oh, come on! You always only see what I do!" I pointed an accusing finger at the guy who was having a slightly hard time standing. "He punched Andon!"

I looked at Andon, who seemed to be about ready to be sick. His normaly tan face was ashen and was covered in a thin layer of sweat. I ignored Mr. Allen and ruched to my brother's side.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I don't think so."

I looked to Ashton who was also getting pale.

"Not you too." I complained.

"Miss. Sin, I said go to my office."

"Hold on a second. My brothers are sick."

As if on que, they threw up. It made me want to be sick just seeing it.

"Now!" Mr. Allen roared.

"Go, Ser." The twins said at the same time.


Sienna and Stone pushed me through the door of our house. They had dentention too, so we walked home together; walking was our punishment from our parents. Andon and Ashton were nowhere to be found. Our parents were sitting in the living room talking in hushed tones.

Mom turned to us when we entered. "How was detention?"

I shrugged.

Sienna slumped on a chair and let out a sigh. "Boring as usual, mom." She said.

"Stone?" Dad asked.

"The most fun I've had in forever." He said sarcastically with and eye roll.

Dad turned to me. "What got you in detention again?"

"Punching the guy that nailed Andon in the gut." I told him, sitting on top of Sienna.

She tried pushing me off of her, but Stone joined me and trapped her arms.

"Your both fat, you know that, right?" Sienna complained.

"Get off or your sister." Mom told us.

"But mom," Stone whined.

"She's the youngest, we have a right to pick on her." I added.

Sienna, Stone, and I are triplets. Stone is the oldest of the three of us. He always reminds is of it, even though he's only oldest by three minutes.

"Guys..." Dad warned.

Stone and I both sighed before reluctantly getting off of our sister.

It was after dinner time, and the twins still hadn't made an appearance. We are starting to worry, but mom and dad seemed fine. The three of us made our way to the game room. We turned on the Xbox and started a game of zombie killing. For the rest of the night, we played games and hung out. I went to bed in a good mood. Right as I was slipping into unconsiousness, I heard howeling; pain filled howeling that made my stomach twist into knots.

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