"You won't kill me, since were soul mates it's against your natural instinct to do that. It'll get to a point when you're drinking from me where you will stop on your own. Don't worry" he smiled and kissed me softly

We all watched a couple of films together, each one of us falling in and out of sleep. I rolled over into Jungkook's chest and caught his eyes. They were his usual chocolate brown colour but I could see flecks of blue flickering in them. I frowned a little and he looked at me worried

"What's up?"

"I can see blue in your eyes. Are you hungry?"

"No, but I can see blue in yours as well" he smiled and kissed my forehead

"But why? I never have before"

"Because you're a vampire now, you can see things better, things are a little more heightened for you"

I smiled and nestled into his neck more, breathing in every inch of him. My mouth started watering a little at the smell and I tried to control myself a little since Tae and Hoseok were with us.

There was a sudden knock at the door and I rolled out of Jungkook's embrace to go answer. He pouted slightly from loosing me in his arms but snuggled back into the blanket we had over us. I went to the door to find Jin and Namjoon with Yoongi, I rolled my eyes at the sight of Yoongi but jumped onto the other two.

"Hey chim, you seem different" Namjoon said with a wink hinting he could tell I'm a vampire now

"Yeah I feel really good lately" I replied and wrapped my legs around Jin's waist.

I looked over at Yoongi and he had his head down and playing with his hands. Jin carried me inside and the others followed. As we got into the living room, Jungkook shot up from the couch from the smell of Yoongi. He growled a little and took me back into his arms from Jin. Luckily Jin understood and ruffled my hair before sitting down next to Tae and Hoseok.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Hoseok asked

"We missed you, it's been ages since we last came round. Seems like we missed quite a bit as well" Jin stated whilst looking at me and Hoseok. We smiled and I buried myself into Jungkook again.

I looked over at the door and saw Yoongi leaning against the wall. He must have felt me looking at him as he looked back at me with guilty eyes. I patted the spare sofa cushion next to me for him to sit on, his eyes widened but came and sat next to me. Jungkook noticed and pulled me closer to him with a low growl. I held his hand and kissed it a couple of times to reassure him that it was okay.

Once Yoongi was sat down he stayed quiet and had his head still down. He looked sad and it hurt my heart to see him like this. I held his hand in my free one which made Jungkook growl even louder. Yoongi looked scared but still kept his head down

~I literally made you my soulmate for life, eternity even. You have no reason to be worried Jungkook. It's you that I love~ I thought to him and he just smiled and kissed my cheek

"Are you okay Yoongi? You seem really upset"

"I just didn't really want to come today but Jin and Namjoon thought it would be good for me to see you"

"Why?" I asked whilst turning to face him a little more. I crossed my legs and felt Jungkook wrap his arm around my waist protectively

"I've not been doing too good lately, I've been drinking most nights, drugs, sleeping with random people... I don't know how to get myself out of it. They think if we get friendly again... that I'll be able to focus on something else, rather than just having no contact with you"

"Yeah sure, I'll do anything to help you get back on the right path. You should have come to me sooner, I didn't know you were doing so bad" I replied and felt and twinge of guilt fly through me

"Don't feel guilty Jimin, it's fine. I hadn't told anyone, just for some reason when Jin saw me one day he was able to know exactly what was going on with me. It was like he read my mind or something" he said with a scoff at the end. I looked at Jin and saw he was trying to hold in a laughter. I squeezed Yoongi's hand once more before cuddling into Jungkook again.


(Trigger warning: sexual assault and self harm)

Later that night when me and Jungkook went to bed, it seemed like he had something he wanted to ask. Before he could I stripped him down to his boxers and me to just my tshirt and boxers. I pulled him into bed and I straddled his thighs, kissing his lips softly a couple of times

"Tell me what's on your mind" I demanded and he looked at me with wide eyes "I know you want to ask me something, so ask me"

"I just can't stop thinking about the night I changed you... you said that since I would kill anyone who hurt you... I would have a lot of killing to do, who hurt you?" He asked with his voice breaking slightly, I could see tears in his eyes and his lip quiver slightly

"Kookie, don't get upset... it was a long time ago, I don't even see the people anymore"

"Tell me anyway baby, I want to know everything there is to know about your life"

"Okay... but don't get angry or upset or anything okay? I never talk about it so it's a big deal for me this..."

"I promise that once you've told me, all we will do is cuddle and kiss. Only if you want to talk about it we will"

"Okay... well, when I first came out as gay I was still in school and I was dating this guy, nothing was serious but I had a big crush on him for a while. So it went on for a couple of weeks and one of the popular guys found out... I don't know he saw us kissing or something.

Anyway, the day next I saw the guy I was dating and he was being really mean to me, like ignoring me and whispering behind my back. He then started calling me names, and being verbally horrible to me.

This went on for a few days until it got to gym period, I was showering afterwards and he came up to me and started kissing me. Since I didn't think anything of it I kissed him back and it got kinda heated pretty quick. He then left the stall I was in and this other guy walked in, he looked me up and down with this disgusting face on him.

He forced himself onto me. I tried my hardest to push him away but he was strong and I was still really weak and hadn't grown much. I could also hear the guy I had been dating outside the stall and laughing... I didn't got to school again for a few weeks. I couldn't face any of them, the thought of even having to see them, even now, sends shivers down my spine.

I resulted in finding pain in other places. I would cut myself quite a bit, they were never deep ones so I wasn't left with many scars, so I'm quite lucky in that sense I suppose but it made me who I am today.

Although it sounds stupid, I'm glad I went through it... it taught me a lot about myself and the people I surround myself with. Tae was the only one who was there for me the whole time. I then met Hoseok through him a couple of years ago when I first met Yoongi as well. It's kind of why we're so close now, they know what I went through and how I was treated. It's kind of why I found it hard to let go of Yoongi. He knew everything about me. It's why I still care about him a lot, because he was there for me. Yeah he messed up at the end of our relationship but I can't just forget about how he was at the start"


"No, you said no talking remember"

"I know... I know, I just want to say I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you earlier, I'm glad you had Tae, Hoseok and even Yoongi though" he said whilst brushing his hand over my cheek. I could see he was trying to hold his anger down and he had tears in his eyes again.

"Please don't be upset. I know it's not nice but I'm okay, no one can ever hurt me ever again, I have the big strong Kookie to protect me and love me forever"

"You do baby... I love you so much"

"I love you too" I replied and he smiled and captured my lips between his

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