"Oh..." I had no idea what to say and that was all that came to mind


I looked at Laina, "The reporters..." The alley was quite narrow and we were against the walls of either side, right in front of each other.

She turned the phone towards me, "Your father fainted," She spoke with a grim expression, "He refused to accept the truth and was taken to the hospital." I saw the articles that the reporters posted about me and my identity.

A huge heavy boulder of guilt fell on me, the weight of which started to make me feel miserable. I looked down at the ground again and slumped toward it a little in misery.

The rain began to give rise to the fog as it spared no one from its abuse.

It's over.

Everything's done for.

I've failed.

I shook my head at myself when suddenly something clicked.

I gulped, "Was it you?" I softly raised my head to look at her, "Who got me out of the classroom?" She nodded, "How did you know?" I looked at her with a stern look.

It was clearly a planned attempt to expose me, so how did she know to be there at the exact moment.

"I was the one who figured it out." She looked away, at the exit of the dead-end alley, "That you're an omega."

"What...?" Of course, it came as a surprise. I knew something was off so it was news to me.

"I learned how to sign," While my eyes were on her, her gaze followed the people running around frantically in the rain, trying to find shelter, "I wanted to surprise you and Amara but before I could, I got to know about your dark truth."

The rain had drenched me, from head to toe. The sound of the droplets falling had gotten loud and it got cold yet I couldn't focus on any of that as I kept my dumbstruck gaze on Laina.

"So..." She didn't look at me, "You told them?" My pupils began to shake and I clenched my fists, "You told the other Alphas?!"

She didn't try to hide it, "I did," She finally turned her head towards me, the rainwater streaming down her face, all of her drenched like I was, "I really didn't think it would get this bad."

"Why?" My feelings and mind were in such a mess that I wanted answers before getting angry.

"Because you lied to me." I couldn't exactly tell what her expressions were like because the rain got so heavy I had to constantly keep wiping my face but I could tell that she did regret something. What? I don't know.

"I would have been-" I paused, I couldn't bring myself to say the word, "If, if I hadn't escaped."

"I know," We looked at each other, "But I pulled you out, didn't I?" She looked away again, at the open street that was now clean of people, "I put you in danger but I pulled you out too." She wiped her face, "It evens out right?"

Her words angered me. How could she take it lightly?

"The danger hasn't ended!" I finally raised my voice, "You ruined everything! You exposed my biggest secret!" I sat up straight, "Everything is crumbling down because of you!!" I let the wrath inside me finally be conveyed with my voice.

"You're living a lie!!" She screamed back at me, "Your whole life is a lie!" She yelled so hard, my ears hurt even though the rain was there to numb out the scream, "You're a liar!!!" She stood up and glared at me, "Don't act like you're the victim here when all you do is bluff."

We both glared at each other.

"If anything," She gritted her teeth, "I may have done a favor for you."

"You don't know what you've done." I shook my head at her.

"You won't be living a lie anymore." She folded her arms, "Maybe because you're an idiot. You didn't realize how many people you've hurt because you've continued to live like this."

"I was trying to find solutions!"

"Like hell!!" She pointed, "You were only running away."


"All these years and what solution? You just took on this mask of being someone else and kept going with it!! What solution did you try!?!" She glared at me, "None!!" Her words stung, perhaps because they were right, "You're nothing more than a liar." She looked away, "But if you still blame me, fine," She began to walk away, "Let's end our friendship here."

She walked away, out of the alley, then out of sight. Leaving me alone in the dirty, and dark place.

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora