iv. your ℓιρѕтιcк stain is a work of art

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CHAPTER FOUR // your ℓιρѕтιcк stain is a work of art

          Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. That's basically all the went through my head when I frantically ran into the girl's restroom as if there was a hungry lion chasing me. I couldn't quite keep the unpleasant expression of my face as I ran as fast as I could. I was gagging inside and desperately wanted to bleach my lips clean from the disgusting surfaces I had layed my precious lips upon.

          "Get out of my way!" I yelled to the innocent bystanders who looked at me weirdly and confusedly as I pushed them out of the way. I know it was irrational, but I couldn't care less. I had to get the germs off my lips as fast as I could before I caught an unwanted disease.

        "Danielle!" I could Zack behind me, running to catch up with me. But at the rate I was going, he probably couldn't. Yes, I may fail excruciatingly in gym and physical education, but I could run fast if I wanted to- which wasn't very often, but now was an exception. "Dani! Wait!" Zack called, and bystanders craned their neck to see what all the commotion was. It must've been a pretty weird sight. Me running with the most disgusted expression on my face and Zack running after me, his face still red from never ending laughter at what he saw back then outside the men's restroom which was on the other side of school.

         Okay so- Zack made me kiss four guys. So the first one was fine. Excellent, even! Jordan Coop who was president of the environment was happy for me to kiss his cheek. Eager- to be exact. So I placed the softest kiss on his cheek and that was it. I left and Zack found me the next person to kiss. This one was okay, I guess. But Zack had to ruin it for me. He made me wear super red lipstick, and kiss Aaron Anderson, who was a super dumb jock, but nonetheless hot. And horny.

        Zack made it specific that I kissed his cheek for a total of 7 seconds, and long enough that I left a red lipstick stain on his cheek. So I went and plopped down on Aaron's lap. He had looked at me flirtatiously, not even recognising me but still appreciating the fact that there was a female on his lap. I had looked down at his lip (don't blame me- I'm a female) and gagged when he had a freakin' boner.

         I prayed mentally in my head before I lay my head down and kissed his cheek long and hard. After 7 seconds of long awaited torture, I finally stopped and hopped off his lip like it was on fire. Zack had been sitting nearby laughing his head off at my expression when I discreetly found Aaron's boner. Once I had reached Zack, I slapped him upside the head- but even that didn't stop him from laughing.

        As we were walking away from Aaron, I had thought I was finally free from his horniness but I had felt something hard hit me in the butt when I walked out. I had turned around confusedly, and recoiled in shock when I saw Aaron right behind me. He had the most irritating smirk on his face, and I realised then and there that he had slapped my butt.

      Aaron walked away, although not before winking his famous wink at me. I grit my teeth and desperately wanted to run up to him and rip his head off, if it hadn't been for Zack to grab me and hold me back. I could hear his faint laughter ringing through my ears, but I winced when he laughed harder. I pushed him off me and snarled, "What's so funny?"

         He was laughing his head off and finally pointed to my butt, where I turned and saw that there was a yellow sticky note on it.. I frowned and ripped it off my ass and looked at it more closely. I scrunched it up with my hand and threw it Zack's head when I found out what was written on the paper.

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