Dan - Phil?

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What was gunna happen now? I hope they think there delusional or we will be lab rats... "I think you show go home now." I was kinda in shock, "Dan are you alright?" I heard Pj say somewhere, "Umm not really... Ill be a minuet." And I rush off to my room slamming the door.

The thing is this isn't just the whole people seeing Pj thing, it's all the whole what am I gunna do about Phil thing?

I think.. I think I'm falling in love with him. Oh what am I gunna do? I was now sobbing know Phil would never love me. I heard a knock at my door, but as I was sitting in front of it no one could get it. "Dan?"


"Dan let me in what wrong?"

"Nothing just leave me alone for a minuet." my voice got caught in my throat and now he knew I was crying.

"Dan let me or speak to me thought the door what's wrong?"

"I-Im in love with someone who wouldn't love me back and I don't know what to do about Ben and Penny..."

"Dan I'm in love with someone who wouldn't love me back..." that made me cry harder. "... but I know he will always be there for me." He? "He?"

Paranormal Friend's Dan, Phil, PJ and ChrisWhere stories live. Discover now