27. Chapter - I have a son.

Start from the beginning

"Right. Shut up and get a drink. How did you know I was here?"

He chased away the annoying pest, sitting in her place and ordering a beer.

"Alison told me you would probably be drinking, and as you weren't in your room, I figured you could be here. She sounded serious, which gave me an idea you would be in the nearest bar possible, which is this one." He took a swig of the drink and smirked, eyeing me with undisguised interest.

I sighed, turning away from him. He was here to butt into my business, and there was no way he would let me go unless I told him something. That was just the way he was. 

Mulling over the idea for a minute, I gave up any tries to avoid this conversation. Talking about it to someone seemed better than just thinking about it on my own, so I was actually kind of glad he appeared. I had no idea why, but Nelson had such a great talent for showing up when I needed him, it was actually starting to be a bit scary.

"I had an interesting talk with Oliver this morning," I let out, sipping on my drink.

I was thinking about a way to break the news to him, but there was nothing I could say to make it less shocking. Taking out the picture I got in the morning, I placed it in front of him and watched his eyes grow larger and larger with each second.

"I have a son," I mumbled, downing the drink and ordering another one. Saying these words out loud to someone felt so weird I actually felt like laughing a bit. This whole situation was just ridiculous. I came here to take care of our business, and my life turned upside down in the matter of few days. I felt like a main character from a bad chick flick drama or some shit like that.

Nelson kept on staring at the photo, his eyes wandering in my direction here and there. It looked like he was in too much of a shock to say something, but after few more moments of silence, he finally opened his mouth.

"You've got to be kidding me. That kid looks just like you. Did your old man decided to have another kid or something?" he asked, making me frown in confusion. Was he serious?

"The hell? Did you not listen to me at all? I just told you it's my son. I have a kid," I said again, watching him carefully to see his reaction. His already large eyes got even bigger, and he looked at me as if I was an alien.

"What?" he choked out, probably too shocked to say more.

I sighed again, running my hand through my already ruffled hair. I couldn't count on both hands how many times I did the exact same motion since I arrived in the bar. If someone was watching me for a while, they had to come to a conclusion I was a lunatic.

"I'm not gonna repeat myself, Nels, you heard just fine. Looks like Oliver kept a huge ass secret from me. He got pregnant and decided I didn't really need to know. I mean, who cares right? Having a child is no big deal," I gritted out, feeling a new wave of anger rising within me. He had no right to keep this from me. I might've cheated on him and ruined our relationship, but keeping a child from me is a completely new level of asshole-ness.

"I've lost five years of his life. Can you actually believe that? I couldn't hold him when he was just a tiny baby. I didn't get to change his diaper, however disgusting that is. I missed his first steps, first words. This is just-" I stopped, feeling terribly emotional all of a sudden. Getting all this off my chest and actually sharing this information with someone was weirdly freeing, and probably thanks to all the alcohol, I felt oddly heartbroken. The all too familiar burning sensation made me turn away, bending my head down so no one could see the glistering in my eyes. I couldn't believe I was actually about to cry. Fucking great. The only thing missing here right now was some shitty paparazzi taking a photo of me in this state. That was exactly what I needed.

Knocking back the rest of the drink, I closed my eyes to get rid of the wetness. I couldn't afford to cry in such a public place.

"I need something stronger," I mumbled, looking at the wall behind the counter, studying all the bottles standing there. Maybe a mix of five of them would do. 

"You should slow down. I understand the situation is fucked up and the news are just crazy, but drinking won't help you figure out what to do," Nels said suddenly, sounding weirdly responsible all of a sudden. It didn't really suit him, and seeing such an attitude made me even more irritated.

"I don't want to figure out anything right now. All I want is to forget. At least for tonight. It's just too much." I looked at him, searching his eyes for any kind of disapproval.
Seeing the expression of resignation wash over his face made me relax, nodding at the bartender so I could order another drink.

I wanted to get wasted to the point of passing out.


My head hurt. That was all I could think about as I came around in the morning. I had no idea how I ended up in a bed, but I was grateful for it. Waking up in a bar or in some kind of alleyway, dirty all over, wouldn't be appreciated at all.

Slowly getting up, I groaned when a sharp pain shot up my back. As if my head killing me wasn't enough. How I was going to get to work and actually do something was something I would have to think about later on. Now, all I wanted was a hot shower and coffee. Cursing under my breath as I was trying to get up, I caught myself from yelling when something moved right next me. Looking to the left, my eyes widened in horror. There was a person softly breathing, tucked under the blanket so tightly only a head of light brown hair was visible.

I broke out in cold sweat.

Going back to the previous night, the last thing I could remember was me ranting to Nels about not having enough time to myself. I was so out of it I wouldn't recognize black from white. I looked back to the person next to me, painfully aware of my aching back and the fact this wasn't my hotel room.

"This can't be happening."


Man, I loved writing this chapter! I can't really tell you why because it would probably be a spoiler, but I enjoyed it so much. If only every chapter would be so easy to finish.

Anyway, did you enjoy reading it? Any ideas as to who the guy next to him is? ^.^

Is it Nels or not? And if so, do you think they slept together or just shared the bed because they were both too wasted?

What do you think about his thoughts of having a child?

Is he acting normally or is he overreacting?

And what will his next steps concerning Oliver and Matty be?

Let me know all your opinions!

Have a nice rest of the day! See ya later! ^.^

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now