You could hear Dakota’s loud sigh, before he picked his head off the table and rested it on his arm instead.

                “Casey, this is my twin brother Nick and his boyfriend Oliver.”

                “Ollie,” Oliver coughed, correcting Dakota. Dakota gave another glare, and Oliver just returned it with a bright smile.

                “Fine, Ollie. Nick, Ollie, this is Casey, a girl in a couple of my classes.”

                “So.. not your girlfriend?” Nick asked, looking at both of us skeptically.

                “No!” Dakota and I cried in unison.

                Nick held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, his brown eyes sparkling mischievously with unconcealed amusement. I guess that was just another thing they had in common; their eyes portrayed their emotions easily.

                “Nice to meet you Casey,” Nick said formally, offering me the first smile since he’d gotten here.

                “Nice to meet you too,” I mumbled, feeling a bit out of place. I wasn’t used to so much social interaction. Just then, the bell rang and I groaned. “I didn’t even get to eat my lunch,” I sighed, getting up to throw everything away. It would’ve all gone bad by the end of the school day anyways.

                Nick looked at me apologetically. “I’m really sorry that Oliver and I had to be such a burden, I promise that I’ll get you something from the snack bar tomorrow.”

                I looked at him wide-eyed, about to tell him that he didn’t have to and it wasn’t their fault, when Ollie interrupted me.

                “Me? A burden? Gosh, how could you even say that Nicky poo!”

                Nick just rolled his eyes, standing up. “Come on Oliver, I’ll walk you to class. And I’ll get you an ice cream after school.”

                Just like that it was as if a switch was flipped in Oliver. He jumped up excitedly after Nick, latching onto his arm and practically skipping out of the cafeteria, dragging Nick with him. “Let’s go then babe. Don’t forget that this time I’d like rainbow sprinkles on my strawberry ice cream,” Ollie told him as they walked out, leaving me with Dakota.

                “Erm, yeah, sorry about that,” Dakota apologized. “Ollie can be a bit.. much.”

                “Yeah, I can see that,” I replied, staring after them. But even I have to admit, they made a pretty cute couple.

                “We have sixth period together, right? Why don’t we walk together?” Dakota suggested, and I nodded, grabbing my bag. We were walking out when Dakota decided to strike up conversation again. “Ollie really is a great person and all, he can just be a bit more.. energetic than some people can handle. My brother though handles him really well, which is why they make such a good match I guess.”

                “I have to agree on that, they seem to fit really well together. If you don’t mind me asking, how did they meet?” I was genuinely curious, there weren’t many open gay couples at this school. Not that I would know anyways, I didn’t have anyone to tell me what’s going on in this school anyways.

                “Oh, well Ollie and I had been really good friends since sixth grade. I had asked him to come with me to one of my brother’s football games junior year, and they just clicked. Hell, that was when Nick decided to come out to all of us, nobody in my family even suspected that he was gay.” Dakota stared absently in front of us, lost in old memories. “But he is, and he’s happy with Ollie. So I’m happy for him.”

                “That’s really cool,” I said quietly. We walked in silence for a couple moments, before a spark of inquisitiveness bloomed within me. “So do you play football too? You look like you’d be good at it.” I could definitely see him playing football, he looked like he was the athletic type.

                Instead, I was slightly surprised when Dakota snorted and gave a shake of his head. “Oh god no, I’d never be able to survive out there. I only have this body because Nick likes to drag me to the gym with him sometimes, especially since Ollie absolutely refuses to go. Ollie detests anything that has to do with sweat, unless it’s on his boyfriend.” Dakota laughed, and I gave a slight chuckle of my own.

                It seemed like only seconds before we were walking into the classroom together.

                “Talking with you is fun, Casey. Maybe we could meet up after school or something and talk some more? I really want to get to know you better.” Dakota gave me what seemed like a heart-stopping smile, but instead I felt my heart beat faster.

                “Maybe,” I said quietly as I slid into my seat, words repeating in my mind over and over.

                I really want to get to know you better.

                I want to get to know you better too Dakota… but I can’t. I just can’t.



This chappie was a bit longer than my others cx Okay, a lot longer, sorry about that >.< But I couldn't help myself, the whole cafeteria scene wrote itself XD I just can't help but love Ollie and Nick, just daww dont' they make an adorable couple? :p

But anyways, have any suggestions as to who should be casted for the characters? I have no idea anymore, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated cx

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