12. always a tone of surprise

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always a tone of surprise

CHAPTER TWELVEalways a tone of surprise

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(sorry for them turtle ass updates)

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(sorry for them turtle ass updates)

(lmao no on reads this anymore but i had fun writing so what the hell)

(enjoy for those who still read <3)

Jackson was never one to be obstructive because he wanted to. For him, he'll just have to be frustrated and annoyed to his maximum. It was different for me, though, being the damaged and lonely me, I'll tend to say some things brusquely without holding myself back. It wasn't because I wanted to. It was just easier for me to release it rather than bottling it up, letting it sit in my stomach, waiting to get out and just snap at something. I suppose what happened last night was my fault.

The sound of my phone ringing fills my ears. It doesn't help that my ringtone is the Harry Potter theme song so it basically makes me just listen to the whole ringtone and not answer the call. I brought the phone up to my face, squinting at the bright light of my wallpaper with the large bolded numbers blinking. It was already 3:37. I slept in way too long.

4 Missed Calls from Lauren 💓

I sighed with disappointment and took a glance around the motel room. It was empty. The only light that shined through was the sun bleeding through the blinds and into this quiet room. I sit up for a bit, taking in my surroundings. I felt like complete shit, so I took a shower, brushed my teeth and threw on an oversized, green flannel and only buttoned about three buttons.

I stepped towards the kitchen, getting ready to cook something to eat, but my thoughts were long gone by the time I found a plate with eggs, pancakes, and sausages wrapped up on the kitchen counter along with a note right under it:

didn't think you'd have the energy to whip something up to eat so i did it myself. jackson said that by the time you wake up, we'd probably be at the ball by then, which starts at 6 so. also, there's a dress on the other bed if you ever consider going. please, consider going. if not for jackson, then for me...    — xoxo, laur

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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