The walls are covered mostly with photos, and not just any , but of every person who's ever been close to me. Luke, Eva, Sarah, Jessica, Alexander, Derek and me. 

Most of them are from the past years when we were all younger others are more recent. I shiver. Not just because of the cold anymore but because of the thought that someone has been watching me and the picture of me pecking through the window outside Brenda's house that one night proves it.

My eyes quickly roam through each one until landing on the table set in the middle of the room. The box Jacob's father gave me is placed on a old wooden table opened with a blue photo album sticking out of it. 

I pick up the album with shaky hands and lay it flat on the table- flipping through the pages, photos of Jacob staring back at me while some slots are empty. Tears begin to form as the memories rush back- memories that were locked in the back of my mind.

I shut the album rubbing a hand over my eyes to wipe any evidence of tears, yet my eyes are drawn to the album again most specifically to a note sticking out between one of the pages. Gathering my strength again I open it- noticing the piece of paper placed in between two photos.

You picked her. Wait till she finds out what you're hiding. You're going to regret leaving me.

A car roars to life outside causing me to gasp. I need to leave. Now. I set the album back into the box and pick it up only to find another letter underneath except this one is printed out- new.

I know your secret.

Be careful and watch your every move.

Because she's watching you

Just as I'm about to rip the letter, I notice an image behind it- a photo of Zoe with Jacob and a hand written note underneath.

Stay away, I'm sorry.

I shove the printed letter in my back pocket and run out- holding the box tight to my chest, not caring about closing the door as I escape.

I notice my car parked on the driveway abandoned and hurry towards it- wrenching the front door open and throwing the box onto the passenger seat. Just as I'm about to shut the door, I hear another car, and I turn just in time to see it speed down the road and disappear.


Come on pick up- pick up please I beg into the phone as I race down the roads away from that cabin.


"Mr. Parker it's me Am- Linda." The urgency in my voice is clear- not going unnoticed by him.

"Linda is everything all right?" he says. All tiredness gone yet replaced with worry.

"I need you to do something for me. I need you to keep an eye out for a guy- Derek Miller."

"Why is-"

"Please" I interrupt.

The line is quiet before he replies "very well but is there something wrong?"

I ignore his question "this stays between us" I say before I hang up.



I lean against the steering wheel and try to compose myself. We don't want to worry Brenda especially her parents I remind myself. I stay in the car for a few seconds before I reach over to grab the box and phone which is lying on the car floor- showing the time and the many missed calls and messages from Derek and Brenda all which I ignored.

Stepping out I put my phone into my back pocket. Feeling the letter, I pull it out and shove it into the box while making my way to the front door all while glancing at the deserted streets and houses which now seems to have life in them- even this late.

  When I step inside, I spot Brenda pacing back and forth in the dull lit living room. Upon hearing me she halts and stares at me, but I move past her and head upstairs to my room.

Her following closely behind. "Linda" she whispers .

When I reach my room I head towards the windows. Making sure they're locked and shut the blinds- drawing the curtains, all while Brenda shuts the door.

"Where were you? I had to lie to mom and dad so they wouldn't worry yet you wouldn't answer my calls or messages. I was about to call the police-"

"I'm sorry" I interrupt.

She sighs while running a hand through her short brown hair.

"Look with everything going on I got worried, and I had a bad feeling. Plus do you know what time it is?"

I can't tell her, is all that goes through my mind. She can't know yet. Lately I feel like all I've been doing is keeping secrets to myself but seeing how she is reacting now without actually knowing why I wasn't here makes it clear. When I tell her what happened, she's going to lose it. I can't have that now. I need her to be strong for me because even I know I'm losing it.

"What's that in your hands?" She asks pointing to the box. I set it down on the nightstand and take a seat on the bed. Maybe I can tell her part of the truth.

"I went to see Jacob's father."

"What?" She's up again watching me closely.

"Did he hurt you? What did he do, what did he say?"

"He did nothing. I'm okay," I say trying to sound calm.

She finally sits back down.

"He believes me. He knows I didn't do it, and he gave me the box to see if there is anything in it to help me."

"You're really doing this," she whispers then shakes her head. "you should've waited for me or something you can't just run off like that," she says sounding like her mother. I can't help but smile even in these circumstances " okay mom." I respond.

That brings a small smile on her face " I'm sorry I just -that feeling... "

I nod, but my mind wanders off to what happened earlier. They didn't want to hurt me, and if they did they could have just done it. No, it was just a warning for me to stay away.It had to be. I let out a shaky breath.

They wanted me to see that, or perhaps one of them did. Maybe the one that said he was sorry. He must have been the one to put the note in the bottom of the box for me to see. To show me who-

"Hey," I turn back to Brenda who's looking at me confused.

"You okay? You zoned out a bit?" she says putting a hand on my shoulder, "and you're shaking."

"It's nothing. I was just thinking of Jacob" I lie while leaning back onto the bed, and letting out a deep breath.

"About Jacob..." she hesitates her face slightly draining of color " you can't go to school tomorrow."

"What why?" I say sitting up and looking back at her.

She sighs and reaches for my hand, giving it a squeeze "tomorrow is the ceremony."

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