ii. i will personally drive him to the мєηтαℓ hospital

Start from the beginning

       She raised an eyebrow. "And what's so wrong about that? It doesn't seem so bad, if you ask me."

      "Oh, that's because you haven't heard the dare yet! Do you know what he freaking dared me?" She shook her head, obviously confused with the whole situation. "He said, and I quote: I dare you to kiss any boy I want you to, whenever I want you to, and however I want you to." I said in a terrible imitation of his voice.

       Stella's mouth dropped open. "Oh yeah, that's bad." She started looking around the cafeteria as I groaned mournfully and lay my head in my hands. "You're going to need some help with this, Dani. You're going to have to save your lip virginity, don't you?" I nod miserably. "Okay, so, let me ask you a question." I nod again. "If you had to lose your lip virginity to someone, who would it be." I thought for a minute.

      Could it be.... Brody West? I don't know, he wasn't even interested in me. I think. I mean, I don't even stand out in a crowd. It's Zack and Stella that are the popular ones in our trio. They've even got the looks, much less me. I've only got my golden hair as a significance. And I guess you could say that my pacific blue eyes are pretty.

     "Umm..." I say, contemplating. "Maybe..." Stella dropped her hamburger down on her tray and studied my face, which made me feel really uncomfortable. I mean, wouldn't you feel uncomfortable if your girl best friend was looking at you as if you were meat? Talk about awkward.

        And yes, I may have had... vivid dreams about him, but that didn't mean I was going to give him my first kiss- he wasn't exactly my idea of a prince. Hot, yes. But potential prince? I didn't think so.

       Stella frowned. "Dani, describe your perfect man." I sighed, contemplating. Before Stella would know it, I snatched a fry from her tray and plop it into my mouth. I smiled triumphantly as she rolled her eyes. "Hurry up and answer my question, Dani."

      "Okay, um... my perfect guy has black hair, green eyes, a strong jaw, full lips, a beautiful smile that has a dimple that pops out, and a lovely personality. A guy that understands me, and can be a bit crazy at times, but also mature. A guy who loves me for who I am and would be my friend no matter what."

       A smile slowly crept onto my best friend's face, as she nodded slowly. "So... you're saying that your perfect man is Zackery Calvert?" My eyes bulged.

      "W-what the hell are you talking about? Where did you get that?!" I asked, my heart hammering against my chest, and my cheeks red as I stared at Stella accusingly. She shrugged a shoulder, as if it couldn't get anymore obvious. Ha! As if. She laughed, shaking her head at me as she pops a french fry in her mouth. I gave her a blank look.

       "Well, isn't it kind of obvious, Dani?" I gave her another blank look. "First, you said that your perfect man had black hair. Last time I checked, Zack had black hair." I give her a 'duh' expression.

        "There are millions of guys that have black hair, Stell." I said obviously. I had forgotten all about Zack now, and was concentrating on the trash talk that came out of Stella's mouth. I mean, yeah right! No way was I talking about Zack! I mean, come on. We're talking about Zack Calvert. Zack Calvert. My jerk of a best friend.

     She sighed, giving me a knowing smile, which makes me scowl at her. "Come on, Dani. You said you liked a guy who has green eyes." I give her a blank look. "You also said you liked a guy who has a strong jaw and full lips." I rose an eyebrow at her. She sighed. "And you said you liked a guy who has a dimple that pops out when they smile."

      I rolled my eyes. "There are millions of guys who have that kind of appearance as well, Stell." I interject obviously. She shook her head, shaking some more salt into her dries. I licked my lips, staring at it hungrily. She sees the look on my face and protectively hides it with her hand. I scowled at her.

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