Chapter 22

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"What is going on?" Was the first thing that left Alec's mouth.

Izzy looked back. Her eyes were red from so much crying. It was so rare for her to cry that much. Something big must be going on. Alec's eyes went back to bed in front of him. Alec took few more steps closer to the bed.

"Mom" Alec's voice came so weak. His mom's pale body just made Alec's legs go weak. Maryse looked like she was sleeping. But clearly she was in pain. She looked like she aged by 10years. Always neat and tidy hair was spread all over the pillow. This was not the mom Alec he saw three years ago.

"What is going on?" Alec asked. He waited for an answer but nor Izzy nor Robert said anything. Only sound in the room was the beeping sound of the machines around Maryse.

"I said what is going on?" Alec's alpha voice came out involuntarily. Izzy and Robert looked at Alec quickly. Alec was in the edge. He wanted to know what is going on.

"Mom.." Izzy started but she was too weak to continue.

"She is a cancer patient" Robert completed. He was looking at his wife:

"What?" Alec's alpha voice was still there.

"She is suffering from breast cancer. She hid it from all of us till now"

"More like any of us didn't pay attention to her. She was in pain. She was suffering but no one.. No one was there for her." Izzy couldn't but break down after those few sentences. But Alec could feel the pain in each word.

"Mom" His voice was weak again. Alec walked to his mom took his mom's hand. He grabbed her weak hand by both of his hands and placed a soft kiss on her hand.

"I'm sorry" Alec's Tears fell on Maryse's hand. He couldn't help it. He didn't expect to see his mom on a day before her birthday like this. She wanted to see his always so uptight mom. Mom who handled with dignity. Mom who was so proud of her children and mom who smiled so softly and lovingly at her children.

"Mom I'm sorry" Alec said again. He couldn't help but feel the bitter guilty feeling.


Magnus was getting impatient. Both his sons were sleeping on his and Jace's laps. It's been two hours since Alec went to the room. Ale was in pain. So much pain. Magnus could feel every bit of Alec's pain through their bond. Magnus wanted nothing but to be next to his alpha and console him. But he just couldn't go inside the room like this. Jace told Magnus about what is going on. He told Magnus how Maryse wanted to see her oldest son more than anything in past few days. How Maryse hid all the pain from everyone. How she wanted to see her grandsons. And How much she Regretted how she treated Magnus. Magnus could understand Maryse's pain. After all he himself is a parent. He would be devastated if he didn't get to see any of his children for three years.

"Clary" Jace's voice brought Magnus back to real world.

"Biscuit?" Magnus asked as he saw Clary. She was there with huge bags.

"Why are you here?" Jace asked.

"Why? Seriously? It's almost 10 and no one had dinner. Look at my poor puppies. They must be starving. " Clary said while looking at sleeping Max and Rafe. Only then Magnus realized his babies didn't have anything to eat since the tea time. But his babies didn't complain or anything. Just went to sleep.

"Wake them up. I brought their favorite and after the dinner they are going home with me." Clary glared at Magnus and Jace. Magnus gulped. Clary can be scary when she wants to. Magnus slowly woke both babies up. Max and Rafe opened their eyes and smiled at his papa.
While Magnus handed Max and Rafe their sandwiches Clary gave two more sandwiches to Jace and Magnus.

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