Chapter 18

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Magnus and Alec were looking down. They looked like two toddlers who got caught doing something they were not supposed to do. They looked quite adorable but Catarina was too angry.


It didn't took much time for Alec and Magnus to regret their decisions. After that wild night , little by little things changed. Magnus seemed to be tired all the time. He didn't had much appetizing to eat anything and Magnus tried to think that was because of the upcoming spring season. Magnus was busy with spring fashion show and he was exhausted by the time he came home. Alec gave him massages everyday as Magnus seemed to be tired and restless all the time. Even their sons were worried.

One morning, their fear came true. Alec was still in the bed and Magnus couldn't sleep so he decided to make breakfast. But since the early in the morning he had this unpleasant taste in his mouth and all of a sudden the smell of crispy bacon he loves so much made him sick to his stomach. Magnus felt how his stomach started rumbling and he covered his mouth quickly before he spell the coffee he drank few minutes ago.

Magnus was running to the bathroom when Alec saw him. Alec was still sleepy and he came to find his husband to steal some kisses but when he saw Magnus running, his sleepiness went away.


Alec ran after Magnus. Magnus without looking waved his hand to show Alec not to come but Alec didn't care. Magnus sat on the floor and emptied everything had in his stomach. Alec slowly patted Magnus's back while Magnus was vomiting. Magnus was sweating by the end. Alec couldn't help but feel sorry for his husband. Alec quickly brought a a cup of water so Magnus could wash his mouth.
Magnus smiled weakly at Alec.

"Sorry" Magnus said as soon as he finished washing his mouth.

"Hey.. Are you Okay?"

"Yeah.. I guess eating Spicy food last night was not a good idea"

Magnus and Alec both knew what this vomiting meant. But both were too scared even to think about it.

"Yeah.. I told you to go easy on spicy food" Alec said to Magnus while wiping some hair away from Magnus's sweating forehead.

"Oh.. I was preparing breakfast"

"I'll do it. Now go and take a rest. You didn't sleep last night. Did you?"


"A break"

"Thank you" Magnus smiled weakly before turning to go their room.

"Where is my morning kiss?" Alec stopped Magnus by his wrist.

"Seriously? Even after all that vomiting?"

Alec didn't bother to reply his stupid yet so adorable husband. Instead he pulled him and pressed a small kiss on Magnus's slightly pink lips.

"Even after that.. I want my morning kiss!" Alec whispered and kissed Magnus's forehead. Magnus melted a bit into that warmth. He knew a hurricane was about to come to their life but if Alec stood by his side like this, he knew he could do anything.

"Rest" Alec guided Magnus to their bedroom.

Once Alec was sure Magnus was getting the rest he was supposed to get, Alec went back to the kitchen. 1000 things were going on his head. May be Magnus was not pregnant. Ad Magnus said it might be because of spicy Indian food they are last night. May be...

He loves children. He really does. He used to be a brat who was afraid of the responsibilities came with a baby but now since he is a dad of two children he wanted more. But he loved Magnus more. He didn't want anything bad to happen. Still he got chills whenever he thought about the last time Magnus in labor room. Alec shook his head and tried to think something else. He wished what they were thinking was not gonna happen.

Next day, early in the morning, Magnus again ran to the bathroom. Very first thing they did after that was going to meet Catarina.


"I told you.. I told you not to.." Catarina lost her mind.

"Sorry" Both Magnus and Alec said without looking at her. Still they were looking at the floor. Alec took Magnus's hand and intertwined their hands together. Catarina took a deep breath.

"Let's see, what we can do from here onwards. You two are nothing but troubles."

"Cat" Magnus pleaded. Cat glared at him.

"I'll talk to my colleagues. Good thing now we have a expert in that section."

"In that section?" Alec looked at Catarina.

"Yes an expert who did lots of researches about omegas and their pregnancy. I'll talk to him. He joined our hospital last month. So at least you are in good hand"

"Catarina thank you. Thank you so much. I.. I "

"It's okay" Catarina's voice was comforting.

"I understand. Sorry for getting angry before. You know how much I love you. I don't want you to be hurt again. You two can't keep your hands to yourself. Even now you are doing something. Aren't you?"

"No.." Magnus quickly lifted his and Alec's hand and showed to her.

"Just holding hands"

Catarina rolled her eyes.

"Okay for now be extra careful. That's mean, you have to rest as much as possible. And I know you have a fashion show in spring but can you like skip that. Let other people handle it. You don't want stress."

Magnus's face went pale. Handing over his responsibilities to someone else? That can't be happen.

"I mean.. It's only two or three weeks. Right?" Magnus tried to argue.

"I promise. He will not do anything. I will handle it." Alec quickly answered.

"I trust you in that Alec. Make him stay at home. Not roam around the world like last time" Catarina said to Alec. Magnus was fuming.

"I'm here. Am I invisible?" Magnus said.

"I will" Alec replied to Catarina instead.

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