Chapter 1

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Even though it was their day of Alec woke up early. It was one rare day where both Magnus and Alex had a free day. Magnus was still sleeping soundly. His hand on his baby bump. Alec turned to Magnus's side and observed Magnus's face clearly. No matter how many times Alec see his fiancé's sleeping face he could never get enough of it. Plump bottom lip, cute upper lip, pointed nose, beautiful eyes and eye lashes, birthmark on his forehead and the glow he was getting because of pregnancy. Day by day Magnus glowed beautifully.

Alec couldn't resist the urge to kiss his soon to be husband's forehead. So Alec carefully leaned forward and pressed a butterfly kiss on Magnus's forehead. Magnus stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up.

"I love so much my love" Alec pressed another kiss since Magnus didn't wake up from the previous kiss. Then he looked at Magnus's clearly visible baby bump. He places his hand carefully on Magnus's baby bump.

"Daddy love you too my blueberry. Daddy and papa can not wait to see you." Alec whispered. Magnus and Alec had to wait another two months to see their little blueberry.

Blueberry was a bless to their life. Magnus always mentioned how his life and BÀNE changed in a good way after he met Alec and then after their blueberry. Well Magnus like to exaggerate things but this one is true. Magnus's and blueberry's arrival changed everything in Alec's life. Even till now Alec punished himself for thinking he was ready for a baby not long ago.

Alec wanted to make breakfast for Magnus. A healthy breakfast. Magnus was following a deathly meal plan. He ate chocolate for breakfast and ice cream for dinner when Alec was not around. So Alec always made sure that Magnus eats healthy food. But no matter how Alec wanted to make breakfast, he couldn't leave the bed. Magnus was holding him tightly even in his sleep and he knew how Magnus hated to wake up to an empty bed. So Alec smiled fondly and decided to stay. His omega was too cute for words and Alec couldn't hurt his omega's heart for any reason.

Alec had somehow fall asleep again while waiting for Magnus to wake up. He woke up when he heard Magnus's sighs. Alec opened his eyes and saw Magnus was looking at his body from the mirror. Magnus was only wearing a red color boxer. Alec had to gulp as Magnus looked so sexy like that. But the look on Magnus's face said something else. He looked disappointed.

"Babe?" Alec got up and sat o. The edge of the bed.

" Oh.. Good morning angel"

"Good morning. What are you doing?"

"I have gained more weight" Magnus looked sad.

"Don't I look so fat? I don't look good at all as I supposed to be." Magnus sighed heavily. "You must be really really disappointed your omega"

'Pregnancy hormones' Alec smiled. These days Magnus jumped in to conclusions really quickly. Every time Alec had to made sure Magnus that despite everything he loved Magnus dearly.

"This alpha is more than happy with his omega actually."

Alec got up and went next to Magnus. He hugged Magnus from behind and pressed a soft kiss on their bond Mark.

"You look fat? Well can you feel how turned on I am just by looking at you? Only you can do those kind of things to me Magnus" He slowly rubbed his crotch against Magnus's ass to show how turned on he is. Magnus clearly gulped as he felt his Alpha's strong scent and his member against his ass.

"Should I show you more?" Alec turned Magnus to his side and looked at Magnus's baby bump.

"Blueberry, daddy is going to do really really REALLY naughty things to papa. So go to sleep or close your eyes"

Magnus couldn't help but laugh seeing how Alec's baby talked about something really erotic. Alec looked at his Magnus. His eyes traveled from Magnus's eyes to his lips. Alec hardly contained himself from sucking and nibbling Magnus's plump bottom lip.

Magnus could see the lust and desire on Alec's eyes. Magnus licked his lips as he saw how his fiancé's eyes went wide with lust. Seeing how Alec reacted to his lips licking Magnus teased Alec by biting his lips in such a erotic way.

"Fuck it. Don't expect me to be gentle if you plan on doing those things with your lips and tongue baby"

"I don't want you to be gentle Alpha. Take me rough and show me how much you mean your word. Make me believe you don't care me being fat"

"My pleasure"

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