Chapter 8

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     That morning just like any other day Magnus went to the BÀNE showroom while Alec went to his office. Neither of them expected it to be such a dark day just like the weather on that day. They didn't know weather was indicating the dark future which was about to come.

"Brrrr... Argh its so windy"

      Magnus complained as soon as he stepped inside the office. Alec dropped him on his way it his office. Alec didn't let Magnus drive anymore. What driving. He hardly let Magnus walk around the loft.

"It really is? Why did you come Magnus? We don't have much to do today?" Clary complained. Izzy agreed with her friend.

"I can't stay at home all the time biscuit. Alexander is also at work. It's really boring there. Chariman is also at Ragnor's place."

      Magnus put his best innocent face but those girls didn't fall for it like Alec. Magnus may be their boss but before that he is their family and their precious friend.

"Stay in the office then. Don't sneak to any where. Okay? If not I'm gonna call Alec."

"Okay Isabella" Magnus smiled. She was just as over protective as her brother.

     Magnus went to his office and Clary came after him.

"Your scent. It's getting stronger and stronger but Magnus it's really strong today. Izzy is right. Don't leave the office."

"Scent is getting stronger because of pregnancy. Alexander also mentioned about that."

"Yeah. I'm really surprised that he let you come today."

"I almost went to my knees and begged. It's so boring in.. Argh..." Magnus quickly leaned into the table close to him.

"Magnus, what's wrong?" Clary quickly supported Magnus with her tiny body.

"It's hurt like hell."

"I'm gonna call Alec."

"No, biscuit. I'll be okay. Don't bother him"

"Magnus, you have sweats all over your forehead. What do you mean by you'll be.. MAGNUS"

"Fucking hell..." Magnus hissed as the pain was too much to bear.


     Magnus was not sure what was happening. Only thing he knew was the unbearable pain he was experiencing and ...

"My Water broke I guess" Magnus looked at Clary.

"By the Angel Magnus" Clary's face was pale.

     After  that everything was a chaos and Magnus barely remember anything.


"Hello Izzy"

"Alec, Magnus's water broke. Come to the hospital quickly."

"I'm coming"

Alec hung up. Okay now he has to calm down and go to the hospital. What does he has to gas with him. Clothes for Magnus? Or anything else? Dammit, Alec and Magnus practiced for this but Alec couldn't remember anything. Alec went to his car and started the car. He tried to focus but only thing he had in his mind was Magnus and blueberry. It's still 37 week. Alec knew there was a risk. Alec cursed himself for letting Magnus go to work today, cursed for taking Magnus to Paris and every single wrong thing he did.

     Normal tour to hospital took about 1 hour but within 15mins Alec was standing in front the hospital. Alec parked his car carelessly and just ran aimlessly.

'Magnus, Magnus, Magnus , babe wait for me. Pleas god protect my Magnus and my baby. '

Alec prayed and prayed till he finally saw Izzy, Clary and Jace.


"He , Catarina took him. She'll meet you soon"

"Oh god, Magnus" Alec's leg gave out and he sat in the floor. This was too much to take. Too much to handle.

"Alec, you have to be strong for Magnus and blueberry." Jace quickly went next to Alec and stood him up from the hospital floor. Jace leaded Alec into a chair closer to them.

"Why didn't I stay with him. He is suffering now. My Magnus" Alec looked at Jace. Jace never saw Alec this broken.

"Alec, please man"

Alec buried his face in his hands.

"Alec" Alec jolted as soon as he heard Magnus's best friend Catarina's voice. After all she was Magnus's Doctor. "How is he? Can I come?"

"You can. He.." Catarina swallowed. Her breath caught in her throat.

"What is it Cat?" Alec took Catarina's hands covered with gloves.

"Alec, he is in a risk."

"What do you mean. Cat please.." Alec didn't know what he was begging for. Eagerly of Magnus, safety of blueberry, safety of both.

"It's still 37 weeks. It might be a premature birth Alec. It might risks .." Catarina wiped her eyes. "It might risks Magnus's and blueberry's life"

Clary who was standing next to them gasped. Izzy sobbed quietly. This is not happening. Alec suddenly started laughing.

"Good joke Cat. But this is serious moment. Please tell me what is going on? I want to see him. Can I go" Alec suddenly rushed to the door Catarina just came out from. Jace quickly grabbed Alec's hand and stopped.

"Let me go you so of a bitch. My Magnus and blueberry are there. Waiting for me" Alec punched Jace on his face.

"Alec" crying Izzy hanged on to Alec's one hand and Clary hanged on to other hand.

"Alec, please, we don't know what might happen. But I'm doing my best. Please don't get discourage now. Be strong for Magnus and baby. Miracles do happen"

"Catarina please.. Please Cat. Please save him. Save my baby, my love. Pleasee PLEASEEEEEEEE" Alec hugged Catarina tightly and cried like a baby on her shoulder.

"Oh man, Alec" Jace's eyes were getting wet.

"Be stronger Alec. That is the only thing I'm asking for now. He'll be okay. He is Magnus. Magnus freaking bane. Soon to be Magnus Lightwood Bane. And blueberry is your child. Blueberry is Sri g just like you two. You know how powerful his kicks are. Blueberry just wants to see his parent quickly. He won't hurt Magnus. Be strong. Okay. You have strong."  Catarina placed her hand on Alec's face and tried to calm down Alec as soon as possible.

"Once you calm down you can come inside."

    Alec took a deep breath. Catarina was right. He has to be there for Magnus instead of crying. He wiped his tears.

"I'm going to be there for Magnus and blueberry." Alec looked at his siblings and looked Cat.

"Good, let's go" Alec followed Catarina. Once he was prepared , they went inside the labor room.

Magnus was laying on the bed. His screams were like knife cuts to Alec. Magnus was suffering Alec just didn't know what to do. Alec quickly took Magnus's hand and gave it a kiss.

"Baby, you are doing just fine. I'm here for you"

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