Chapter 1: Peter

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"So, Derek, have you found that special girl yet?" Laura asks.

"No, for the fiftieth time Laura!" I yell.

"Okay, okay!" She says lifting her hands up, surrendering.

Maybe she would finally shut up. I have been home for just a few hours, and from the minute I walked through the door, she has been asking me if I had a girlfriend, or if I had found my mate.

I'm sure at the word mate, you think it's some cutesy little thing. It's not.

There is no "oh my gosh!" moment. You don't try and fuck them the minute you see them. There is nothing kinky about it. A mate is just like a boyfriend or girlfriend, except there is a stronger connection. Meaning, you know how they are feeling, at all times. That's it. It's a partner, but with extra feelings. Geez, that sounds so girly.

There also isn't a mate rejection thing. Just like any other relationship, you're going to have your ups and downs.

Also, not everyone finds their mate. You can be perfectly happy without one. It's only when you're in a relationship and you find your mate, the problem starts. For instance, my mom and dad are mates, but my older brother Cameron has a wife who isn't his true mate. But now that they are married and have had sex, they are considered mates. But if Cameron finds his true mate, this is the time when he has the option to be in his or her life or not. If he chooses to not be in his or her life, nothing tragic would happen. They would both pursue their lives as normal humans.

Well, almost normal humans. We are werewolves, were not exactly normal.

However, if he chooses to be in his or her life, they will slowly become attracted to each other, and eventually, if Cameron isn't strong enough, he will break up with Charlie and choose to be with his mate. Thankfully Cameron hasn't found his true mate.

And to answer your question, yes your mate can be human. Cameron's wife, Charlie, was human when they started dating. But most if the time, once you are mated, you turn your mate. Just because you don't want them to get hurt and you just want them to be like you. So now Charlie is a werewolf and part of the pack.

You also have the option to live with your pack, or go off and create your own. Yes, we do have an Alpha. It's my mom, Talia. Now that Cameron is mated, he can either go off with Charlie and start their own pack by having pups, or he can stay here at the pack house and have pups, if he wants. Even though he is a beta, he would be considered the Alpha of his little pack. Meaning an Alpha over his wife and child. Weird, I know. Cameron and Charlie have chosen to stay here, though.

Anyway, enough with the pack dynamics.

Maybe I should tell you more about my family. We all live in a big house in the woods. We have men, women, and children. All are werewolves. Here are the basics of my family.

Talia is my mom and the Alpha of my pack. Her husband, my dad, Steven, is a beta. Then we have my mom's parents, my grandparents, Elana, and Frank. They haven't slowed down at all. If it weren't for their wrinkly skin and white hair, you would think they were 30. Then, we have my uncle Peter, who is a beta. He doesn't have a mate or a girlfriend. And he is really weird and violent. I guess he is that crazy uncle. Every family as one.

Anyways, next we have my siblings. Cameron is the oldest and as you know has a wife, Charlie. He is 24 and his wife is 23. Next up we have Alex, who is 19, and he doesn't have a mate, but does have a steady girlfriend. They have been dating for two years now. My parents have been anxiously waiting for him to tell her about him being a werewolf. Then, there is Laura. She is also 19. Her and Alex are actually twins. She doesn't have a mate, and she is really bad at relationships, because she is. . . wild. And although she can be super annoying, she is still really sweet and gives the best, yet sometime the worst, advise. She is my best friend.

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