6. white lace bra

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Taehyung did not want to admit his liking for the brunette male who visited the flower shop everyday. He did not want to fall for him hard either because he was sure the 18 year old wasnt in to him like that. It only sadenned him the more he thought about it.

For the past month, with jungkook visiting everyday, taehyung enjoyed  his presence even if it was just for a few minutes. The male somehow brought a smile to his face, he somehow Made taehyungs boring day at work exciting again.

Something taehyungs never really experienced.

With a smile on his face taehyung Made his way downstairs to set the shop up. Jin was currently at his boyfriend, namjoons house as he stayed the night saying he had work to do. ( guessing the only thing that actually got done was him)

The 19 year old roamed his eyes around the shop to Make sure everything was set but frowned when the most important thing wasnt done.

He walked over the door and flipped over the 'open and close' sign while chuckling.

Of course no people will come if it says its closed silly

Walking over to the counter, taehyung still looked around Hoping to find something to do while waiting for the customers but nothing in this shop was really entertaining. So with a huff taehyung leaned his chin on the palm of his hand and stared into the blank space ahead of him.

Jungkook view

Jungkook came out of his room freshly dressed wearing his same leather jacket ( as usual) over a navy blue dress shirt and ripped skinny jeans. Skipping work from time to time was again another habit of his. Yes he knows thats like.. Really bad but hes the CEO so why should he give a fuck.

He was now searching for his beanie until he came across a white laced bra sitting in his drawer. With a frown jungkook picked the bra up between his thumb and index finger and examined it, trying to remember which ex it belonged to.

Until he couldn't decide if belonged to a hyejin or a hanuel he sighed and just dumped it on the floor in the corner shrugging it off.

He finally found his beanie and stumbled down the stairs while trying to place it decently on his head.

"oh- shit- agh, my toe- ow" The male muttered to himself as stubbed his toe on the coffee table. He didnt have time to eat a proper breakfast because he had to Make his way to the flower shop to buy the same bouquet of roses he always does.

So with a slam of his door and the roar of his bike jungkook was gone.

Taehyung view

"yeah taehyung, you go, rock those roses" The male said while talking to himself in the mirror. His skinny fingers of one hand was fiddling with the flowers of his choker, while the other was representing a peace sign. A boxy smile was clear on his face as kept muttering compliments to his self.

Several minutes ago taehyung finally thought of something to do to cure his boredom and that happened to be admiring his rose choker in the mirror. It had been going on for ages now And he wouldnt stop.

The ring of the bell hanging on the door notified the 19 year old Male a customer arrived but he payed no attention to it thinking they were browsing around but boy was he wrong.

Jungkook view

Jungkook entered with a sigh and looked around until his eyes caught onto taehyung chuckling at himself in the mirror. With a raised eyebrow and a smirk playing on his lips he secretly walked over to the other making sure he didn't know of his presence and stood very close behind him.

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