Chapter 35 - Dreams

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So I'm thinking of ending this on the next chapter but I am gonna write a sequel so, i hope that you will all read that? Anyway......

Jasons POV

Brit was staring out of the window for the full drive home, she didn't speak once. Everytime I looked over to her she had her...."concentrating" face on. I started thinking back to when I first "took" her, she had so much attitude and I was so close to killing her, and yes I mean killing her! Back then I never even thought of the idea that I would end up being her boyfriend never mind having...... feelings for her. I don't have feelings for anything, apart from my sister, and well, Brit.

When I next looked up at my surroundings I realised that we were pulling up to the house. I stopped the car and looked over to Brit to see that she had fallen asleep, with her face stuck to the window. I sighed, geting out of the car and being really careful when opening Brit's door so she didn't fall out onto her face. I reached in and undid her seatbelt and carried her into the house, bridal style. She started moving her head and making small sounds, that caused me to chuckle. I wonder what she's dreaming of?

I carefully carried her up the steps and put her into bed and I quickly followed her.

Brittani's POV

The face, it's coming closer, I try to run away but they're coming closer, they're too fast for me and then.....

I wake up gasping for breath, it takes me a minute to calm down and once I do I look over to the clock on the table next to me and I see that it's 2 AM. Great, a long night for me....again! I don't even rememeber coming upstairs, I look at what I'm wearing and it's just one of Jason's shirts.....How the hell did I end up wearing this?! I sighed and looked over to Jason, who was in a deep sleep. I decided to go downstairs and watch TV, since I won't be sleeping anymore. I tiptoed down the stairs, trying to be really quiet, which is really hard when you're known for tripping up over just about anything, your feet, pavement, air! Anyway, I made it down the stairs without, A: Breaking my neck and B: Waking Jason up. I turned on the TV but there was only Teleshopping and the weird programmes that people awake at 2 AM watch but to be fair it's probably 3 by now.....

I ended up just laying there counting the ceiling tiles, 132, I think..... I really don't know how vampires do it, with the not sleeping thing and all. I decided to watch a film but that wasn't happening either as Jason moved the DVD to our room. Wow there really is nothing to do. I stood up and went to the kitchen, maybe I could count the tiles in there too? I was walking throught the hallway when I tripped up over, lets see....nothing! I fell to the floor and made a huge sound, I cursed under my breath. Jason's gonna be well pissed. Speaking of Jason, approximatly 5 seconds after me falling onto my face (No lie I basically fell flat onto my face, thank God no one else saw!), Jason sprinted down the stairs with a gun in his hand, this did scare me slightly. He got down the steps in about 3 seconds and ooked down the hallway to see me lying there in embarassment, hoping that he would just shoot me and get rid of me having to explain this whole situation, but no that would be too easy!

He furrowed his eyebrows. I threw my head back with a sigh and groaned, I can never be smooth or quiet at that! "What are you doing?" he asked shaking his head. I thought about this for a minute, trying to think of the least retarded way to say it. "Well, y'see I kind of...." I paused and he looked over at me expentantly and after realeasing another groan and a massive sigh, "I fell over, okay?!". He chuckled under his breath but he soon stopped and glared at me "Why are you down here anyway?!" He growled. Shit, I should probably make up a really good exscuse like "We were being burgled and I bet the guy off with the TV remote" but no my brain has obviously taken a break and decided just to let me try to figure a way out of this situation alone, Thanks Brain! "I, um, couldn't sleep" I said pathetically. He raised his eyebrows "What did I say about leaving bed in the middle of the night?" He said in an annoyed tone. "Well I don't actually think you've ever said anything about that to be honest, so this is not my fault!"....Is what I should of said but instead I came up with "I'm sorry", but this reply is what happens when your brain gives up and decides to just let you sound like an idiot, Thanks again!

He sighed and gave me his hand to help me up, which I happily accepted. He started walking up the stairs but I just stood there, I refuse to just lay there and watch him sleep! "You coming?" he asked, well kind of demanded but y'know demanding is asking in Jason's case. "I'm not tired" I replied and started to walk away. I heard footsteps behing me, Jason obviously, why can he never leave me alone?! I turned around but he wasn't there. Just as I was about to call out, I got lifted up over "someones" shoulder, I already knew who's. "Jason.... would you kindly return me to the floor.....NOW!" I yelled but, No of course that wasn't happening. Brittani's opinion or personal rights don't matter. She's just! Yeah a dog that we pick up and annoy her and......Urrgh.

He walked back up te stairs while I punched his back, he didn't even flinch. I should've worked out at some point but then I remebered that that takes effort and commitment and that are two things that I seriously lack in. We got to te bedroom and he threw me on the bed, and sat down on the bed , I went to get up be he gave me a look, almost as if he was daring me to, just to show me that he was being serious. I gave up and laid back pouting and he smirked to himself. "So.... Why are you awake?" he asked. "Why are you awake?" I replied sarcastically. "Well let me see because my girlfriend (he gestured to me) is incapable of walking" he replied. I glared at him, no need to be rude! "Like I've already told you, I couldn't sleep!" I exclaimed dramatically as I flung myself back against the pillows. He chuckled and looked towards me "Movie?". I nodded, and he went to get a movie.

We watched loads of Disney (eventhough he protested greatly) and just laid there enjoying each others company. "Jase?" I asked, "Hmm" he replied, I hate it when he does that!, "Jason!" I sat up and folded my arms. "Brittani!" he sat up and folded his arms, mimicking me! "How did I get upstairs and in this?" I gestured to the shirt, I kind of already knew but it was bothering me. "You fell asleep in the car so..." He replied casually. "So you decided to change me like I was a child, that's insulting" I exclaimed but he just shrugged. I love how much attention he pays to me. I mean he must listen to every single word.....I wish.

Another filler, SEQUEL COMING SOON! (< Thats just to make sure people read it :) ) So yeah I'm either gonna end it next week or the week after and then I'm gonna start on the sequel straight away so make sure you read it!!

Private message me chapter ideas, Sequel names and anything like that x

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Olivia xoxo

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