Chapter 15 - Sister?

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Exciting chapter!! Someone's showing up again..... but who?? Wait and see ;) Enjoy the chapter xx.....

Recap (Brittani's POV)

The drive seemed shorter on the way back, probably because we were talking, rather than just sat there in silence! When we got home we walked through the front door and there was....

Jason's POV

Why were they still here? I though I told the guys to get rid of them before we came back? Is it really that hard?! I tried to turn around so Brit wouldn't see them, this is one of the things I desperately tried to keep from her. She'd already seen them though, her eyes lit up and then a confused expression ran across her face. She took three steps forward so now she was in the house, staring directly at them. Her mouth opened like she wanted to say something but no words came out. I grabbed hold of her wrist and tried to take her outside but she didn't move. It was like she was stuck to the ground, so I just gave up.

Brittani's POV

We walked through the door. Jason was trying to stop me from seeing something and me being me, I was curious. I took a step to the side and looked around him and there was the face of two people I never thought I'd see before. I walked further in the door just to get a better view, to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. I got excited at first and then I was just confused, why was she here? Why would my best friend be here? She was looking at her shoes, she mustn't have noticed me. She looked up, first noticed Jason then her eyes looked to me and she gasped. "Britt!...." she trailed off I just looked at her. I was trying to find the words but none came to mind.

"Libby? Chaz?" I asked, squinting my eyes in confusion (like you do...) "Yeah... hey" Chaz answered, I just answered back with a hey. "What are you guys doing he.." I started but Jason cut me off. He walked forward "Hey sis, Chaz" He said casually, they both just nodded their heads. I could feel my mouth drop open! "Sis...Sister??" I stuttered in shock. "Um.. yeah... about that..." Libby mumbled. I couldn't believe this! I ran past them, up the stairs and into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me. As soon as I was in the bathroom I burst into tears.

Libby's POV

Her face when she found out, I felt like such an awful person. I didn't tell her about Jason being my brother to protect her. If she knew then she would of been in more danger. I changed my last name then nobody would know that he was my brother. "Why did you have to do that !?" I yelled at Jason. "Well she was gonna find out eventually" He smirked shrugging it off. "Yeah but not like that!, You just have to upset everyone, don't you !?" I yelled at him. His eyes turned black, that's bad. He walked over to me and grabbed my wrist. He lent down close to my ear "Don't you dare talk to me like that!" he whispered close to my ear. He was squeezing my wrist really hard, if he grabs it any harder he's gonna break it! "J..Jason, y..your h..hurting!" I stuttered. He let go off my wrist and stormed upstairs. Poor Brit, I couldn't live with him. I looked over at Chaz and he was just sat there. "Thanks for the help" I said sarcastically, he was in Jason's gang but he was scared of Jason. "Hey, he would've probably killed me... your his sister" He replied. "I don't think family would stop him killing someone" I mumbled, to myself but I could tell Chaz heard me. "I need to go check on Brittani" I said and Chaz just nodded. I walked upstairs and followed the sound of Jason shouting, I also noticed all the holes in the wall, he has anger issues!!

Brittani's POV

I can't believe my best friend and my kidnapper are related. Did she know about me being kidnapped? Maybe she helped him! I was still sat there crying when I heard someone storming up the stairs. I was in Jason's bathroom and I heard his bedroom door slam shut. That's when he started shouting "Brittani! Open the door!" he yelled. I was frozen to the spot. I was too scared to open the door, I know what he's like when he's mad and I rather not see him right now. "Brittani! I swear come out, now." he paused and took a deep breath "I'll give you three seconds and if your not out I'm coming in!" he demanded, I couldn't move, I was frozen to the spot. I heard him counting but when he got to two all I was focusing on was my heartbeat, I was shaking. Next thing I knew the door swung open to reveal a red faced Jason. "Get up!" he demanded. I couldn't move, I was frozen by fear. "I said, Get up!" he yelled. He waited a couple of seconds and when I didn't move he grabbed my hair and yanked me to my feet. I was shaking and I could feel the tears streaming down my face. He was shouting something but I couldn't hear him properly. He dragged me into the bedroom and threw me onto the bed.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and I just hoped it was someone to stop him. The footsteps got closer and a girl appeared in the doorway, it was Libby. "Jason, stop!" she yelled, obviously noticing the fact that he now had hold of my hair. He looked in her direction and his expression became even angrier, I didn't think that was even possible. "Don't tell me what to do!" he screamed as he walked towards her. It happened so fast he just...Slapped her, his own sister! Jason didn't even seem to think about it, it was like it was a normal reaction for him. After that he stormed off and in the distance I heard the door slam, he must of gone out somewhere.

I ran towards Libby, to see if she was ok (stupid question, I know) "Lib..Lib are you alright?" I said helping her up. She looked up still holding her cheek "I've been better" she chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh. Even in bad situations she always seems to make me laugh. I brought her over to the bed and we both sat there. We just sat there for a couple minutes, in silence. Both of us didn't know what to say, that was until she moved her hand. There was already a big purple bruise in the shape of a hand on the side of her face. I looked at her in shock, she just sighed "Does he normally... hit you?" I asked she paused and seemed to be thinking back. "U..m..m not when we were little, it was when mom died. My dad became abusive to me, Jason and our brother Alex and I suppose that's where Jason got it from" she shrugged saying it like it didn't really matter. I looked at her with sympathy and I think she noticed "I feel worse for you, you have to live with it" she mumbled, I sighed thinking back to the times where Jason had hit me. "I've had worse than just a slap" I mumbled more saying it to myself than Libby but she seemed to hear it anyway. "Why? What has he done!?" she said with outrage in her voice. " well" I stuttered, not really wanting to tell her. "Brit... Tell me, now!" she demanded and tat was when I showed her it, I lifted up my top to reveal the two letters than were now scaring on my hip bone. I looked at my best friend and a look I've never seen before ran across her face and I think it was rage. Her eyes widened and the sparkle that was normally there had now disappeared.

She looked at me like she couldn't believe it. "He...He did that to you" She asked with outrage in her voice. I just nodded unable to find the words as I could feel the tears in my eyes threatening to escape. I looked over to see Libby mumbling to herself I could just pick out certain sentences like, just wait 'till' I get my hands on him and  Ill show him. I looked at her "Please don't say anything" I begged. She looked at me and just nodded, I breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry for throwing you out.... I feel like this is my fault!" she said and I could see the tears running down her cheek. I didn't say anything I just went over and gave her a hug. "C'mon we should go see Chaz" I mumbled. We walked downstairs and he was still there, exactly where he was when me and Jason walked in. "Ummm.. Hey?" I mumbled looking down. Chaz just nodded not looking up. That was when Jason walked in, "I though you left..." I mumbled but I stopped talking when he gave me glare that basically said shut up.

"Get out of my house... now!" he demanded. Libby looked at me sympathetically but I shook my head and mouthed at her to just leave. Chaz stood up finally looking at his girlfriend "What happened to your face?" Libby just shook her head telling him not to ask. When they left, it was just me and Jason... again!

Not sure whether I like this or not, tell me what you think. I think I just went on and on a lot. But there's a plot twist ;) Brother and sister. Comment, Vote, Tell your Friends, Follow Me!!

Message me, I'm nice (I think..) ;)

Aww 3000 reads :) <so happy <3

Might delete this chapter....maybe

Byeeee xox

Olivia :> <3 xoxoxo


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