Chapter 26 - My Hero.....Kind of

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Hey guys ;)

Sorry I didn't update yesterday but I am ill so I didn't have the energy to haha. Sorry about the rant yesterday but I had to say something it was just something that was annoying me so...

So here is the chapter we were waiting for so yeah, no more talking just reading!

Brittani's POV

The longer I'm here the less optimistic I am about Jason coming to  save me, I mean it is unrealistic.... isn't it. It's not like he 's just gonna come swinging down from the ceiling to kill all these douche bags (who I despise more by the minute) and then miraculously break the door down and take me to safety,yep realistic. I'm still in this basement and by now I've worked out that there is approximately a 0.0% chance of escape so my chances look good, and yes I'm feeling very sarcastic..... and hungry.

The door dramatically swings open, bringing me out of my thoughts revealing one of the 'gang' who I didn't know the name of. "Alex wants you" he spat, as if he thinks he can talk to me like that, I'm not a dog! "I'd rather not" I spat back not even bothering to look at him, he wasn't worth looking at.  "Fine then" he mumbled and I thought he left but before I knew what was happening I was lifted off the ground and put over his shoulder. "What do you think you're doing, put me down" I screamed punching and clawing at his back which only earned a few groans of pain. "You want me to put you down, fine!" he spat throwing me to the ground before storming out of the door. I wanted to cry from the pain but by now I think that I've run out of tears. I looked around the room and noticed I was in what I now know as Alex's office, great, just great.

"Hungry?" he asked, I looked around to try and find the speaker and there he was, stood behind me. How did he get there? "Well, I haven't eaten for days so I think you can work out the answer to that question yourself!" I spat, he tutted making me feel like a five year old who has broken something. "We still haven't learnt how to talk to people properly have we?" he said slowly, I decided that it was best not to answer feeling like it was a rhetorical question. He slowly walked around me like a shark circling it's prey slowly trying to intimidate it before it just goes ahead and eats it whole. After a while he walked over to his chair and sat down and I got up from the floor, pulling the whore clothes they gave me down. "Here" he said as he passed me a sandwich but to me it looked more like heaven in bread. I looked directly into his eyes "And here I was thinking you were trying to starve me" I said flashing a sarcastic smile. He narrowed his eyes "Your no use to me dead" he said with no emotion maybe he just has no heart, that would explain a lot about his character and actions and honestly would make a lot of sense. I decided not to ask though as the food straight in front of me was distracting me ever so slightly (big understatement).

"Now do you want this?" he said in a innocent voice basically waving it in front of my face. I nodded, "Then what do you say?" he said with a smirk still teasing me. "Give me it?" I said in the same innocent voice. He shook his head "Nope, sorry but now the prize has gone" he said putting back under the desk. "No, no sorry. Please!" I begged, he chuckled and literally threw the sandwich at me . "Hurry up and eat and then...." but he got cut off by the phone ringing, "What?!, What?, No, Fine just send her up" he said quickly and I furrowed my eyebrows, who's he seeing now. Probably the whore who owns these clothes. But instead in came Libby, "Hey there brother" she said casually letting the words roll of her tongue, as Alex stood up and looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Lib..?" We both said in unison. Well that was creepy, but just has he was about to say something a loud sound came from downstairs which followed by the sound of gunshots. Both fear and hope filled my heart. Libby caught my eye and winked while I was still stuffing my face with this sandwich.

It all happened in a blur, the door burst open and in walked a cocky looking Jason with his smug face and perfect body still intact. "Hey babe, miss me?" he asked giving me a cocky grin causing me to chuckle. But Alex was definitely not laughing but his face was hilarious.

Sorry to have to leave it there but I can't find the charger for my laptop so I'm using my mum's and she's now demanding it back so sorry it's short but I have to give the laptop away :'(

No update comments or I'll have to rant again and no one likes that ;) But I will update tomorrow if i get nice comments ;)

Ly all Vote, Comment, Fan, And all the other stuff.

Bye xxxx

Olivia xox

Ly xxx <3

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